executive coaching

The role of conventional leadership is frequently depicted as one who takes charge, makes decisions, delegates tasks, and is otherwise disconnected from those in less authoritative positions. In a professional environment, this person might be known as the Big Boss that is somehow set apart from his or her subordinates. They’re “up there” and we’re “down here” type of thing.

To make a necessary distinction here, the traits just described more suitably portray the common characteristics of a manager as opposed to a leader. Many people are already aware of the notable differences. Simply put, managers manage, and leaders lead. Another way to say it is that managers oversee things, but leaders influence people. To be sure, leadership in general has a much more deliberate agenda than simple task delegation. And in its purest form, an Influential Leadership Coach ultimately duplicates oneself.

It’s true that some people are just amazing, natural born leaders from day one. The rest of us learn to lead by way of formal and informal training methods. Regardless of executive coaching  your DNA or scope of technical education, you will be recognized as an Influential Leadership Coach when you are:

  • Inspiring
  • Motivating
  • Equipping
  • Empowering

Influential Leadership Coaching Inspires

To inspire another is to “spark a flame.” This requires a flame to be already burning inside of the you! Yes, some people can talk a really good talk, but a true Influential Leadership Coach will connect with you on a deep level and open your eyes to see an exciting new “something.” This can be a new idea, a new program, a business opportunity, etc. The point is, they don’t merely announce a new program and then delegate out all the detailed tasks. An Influential Leadership Coach will instigate a stirring passion within another human being while conveying a concept or idea. Among other things, they elicit the contributions of others in the formation of the idea. They evoke inspiration.

Influential Leadership Coaching Motivates

Although the differences between inspiration and motivation can at first seem blurry, these are indeed distinct qualities with separate functions. A key factor when establishing motivation is encouragement, encouragement, encouragement! Oh, and let’s not forget about encouragement, too. Without trying to overstate the importance of offering verbal affirmation to those whom you wish to motivate, it’s imperative that Influential Leadership Coaches are also genuine with what they say. In order to make a motivational impact on another person (as evidenced by action), one must be authentic in his or her approach. Influential Leadership Coaches know exactly what that means: Don’t just try to tickle a person’s ears. Make no mistake; People can “sense” when you’re fake. Instead, learn what makes a person tick by truly investing time with them, and then personalized accountability will naturally result through relationship-building. As the old saying goes: people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. This creates trust. And it’s when trust is present that a person is most open to the equipping process.

Influential Leadership Coaching Equips

The equipping process is where the rubber meets the road – and is no trivial undertaking. The best way to equip someone who is striving to reach a goal, move an obstacle, change a habit, or learn a skill is by way of demonstration. This can take place in person, or through facilitative conversation. Direct and indirect modeling of methods and skills provides others with the know-how for future independence (the goal). Moreover, verbally facilitating a conversation which leads a person into self-discovery is a form of equipping as well, and serves two key purposes:

  • A person is brought into a greater sense of self-awareness, and
  • The experiential learning process itself is a natural equipping method where a person can then turn around to become the equipper for someone else.

Influential Leadership Coaching Empowers

If enabling a person is to permit him or her to remain dependent upon you, then empowering a person is to stand aside supportively while allowing independence to flourish. This not only entails a person now walking side by side with the coach, but an Influential Leadership Coach will willingly follow the newly duplicated leader wherever beneficial. Thus, the essence of “teamwork” is born, and duplication a success!

It’s important to note that these are not cemented sequential “steps” to follow; one does not have to entirely complete one part before moving on to another. On the contrary, understanding where a person is in any given moment in time is the key which gives the Influential Leadership Coach the direction to pursue with that person. Although each part of the process rightly overlaps and becomes integrated with the other parts, the foundation is always this: Relationship. Why? Because when relationship begins to break down, every other part of the process is thwarted. When relationship is alive, the process will thrive. That’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it. Thanks for listening!