Is Meth Rehab Treatment Covered by Insurance?

Is Meth Rehab Treatment Covered by Insurance?

Many people want to recover from addiction. They have the willingness to undergo treatment, yet they don’t know how to finance it. There comes another relevant question to this concern, “Will my insurance pay for my rehab treatment?” Have you asked the same thing as well?


If you’re looking for answers, you’re in the right place. We’re going to tackle how insurance can help you cover the cost of your drug treatment. Please visit EMRGENT for more info.

How to pay for your meth rehab treatment

There are plenty of ways to finance your drug treatment. You can pay that out of pocket, through your insurance, or by finding sponsorship provided by government agencies or foundations. Among these options, we’re going to focus on insurance.


Below are the common insurances used by patients to cover some of the cost of their rehab treatment:


  • Medicaid or Medicare
  • Private insurance
  • Military insurance
  • State-financed medical insurance


In terms of how much will be covered by your insurance, that will vary depending on your plan. That said, you’d have to go over your policy to know what is and isn’t covered by your insurance provider. For instance, if your plan covers half of your overall treatment cost, you’d have to cover the excess out of pocket, or by looking for a sponsorship funded by the state or by a foundation.

Will my insurance pay for drug rehab and detox?

Whether you have Medicaid, Medicare, or private insurance, you can be confident that they can pay for your rehab treatment. That’s because the Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires insurance companies to include in their plans’ coverage for substance abuse treatment. It may not totally cover the entire treatment cost, but it’s surely a great help.


Take note, the coverage of your insurance policy depends on where you bought it. You also have to ask if the rehab center you plan to enroll for treatment accepts your insurance plan. If you’re not sure about the coverage of your policy, it’s best to call your insurance agent or company. Ask about the in-network rehab centers of your insurance provider.

What are the steps you need to take to let your insurance pay for your rehab treatment?

The coverage of your plans differs depending on the insurance provider, the kind of plan, and the place where you bought it. Knowing these things is critical for you to understand how much is covered by your insurance, and how much you need to take care of out of pocket. 


If you understand this, you are able to find the right addiction center where to enroll for treatment. But what if you don’t have an insurance policy, how will you take care of the bills? Below are your other options to finance your addiction treatment program:


  • Sliding Scale: This is where a rehab center adjusts the cost of your treatment based on your income.
  • Treatment Scholarship: These are grants given by the state or by a private institution to support patients who cannot afford their treatment. 
  • Medical loans: This is when you apply for a loan to finance your medication. Typically, they would ask for a collateral for your personal loan.
  • In-house financing options: You can also inquire if a rehab center is offering in-house financing options for its treatment programs. Oftentimes, the payment schedule is done monthly or quarterly.
  • Installment payment plans: This is similar to in-house financing offered by medical centers. 
  • Crowdfunding: You can go to websites like YouHelp or GoFundMe to ask for solicitations from people to help you fund your treatment.

What are the different kinds of insurance accepted by rehab centers?

There are different kinds of private insurance companies you can use for funding your addiction treatment. See below for some of these insurance companies:


  • Cigna
  • Humana
  • First Choice
  • Medical Mutual
  • First Health
  • Mines and Associates
  • Healthcare Solutions Group
  • Multiplan
  • Orlando Healthcare
  • America’s Choice Provider Network and more

Does an employer-subsidized plan cover your treatment?

There is never a guarantee that your private insurance or employer-subsidized plan will cover the total cost of your addiction treatment. To ensure your policy will be paying a portion of your treatment, you need to read the fine print before buying the plan. Still, most insurance policies will have the following common conditions for paying treatment:

  • The kind of addiction covered by your plan
  • The rehab center where you plan to get treated
  • The kind of addiction treatment you’ll be getting
  • The period of your treatment

How much are you paying without insurance?

The cost of treating meth addiction varies depending on your condition, the rehab center, and the coverage of your insurance. But what if you don’t have a policy? How much will you be paying?

There’s no definite answer to this since the cost of treatment depends on the severity of your addiction. But so far, the average cost you’ll pay for treating meth addiction is $17,000. This is for an inpatient treatment program. But if your addiction is not that severe, you can go for outpatient treatment, which costs around $3,000 a month.

When you have insurance, the cost of your meth addiction treatment can be reduced by 30 to 50 percent. Take note, this depends on the coverage of your plan, the rehab center, and the kind of treatment you’re getting from them. To be sure, it’s best to ask your insurance company about it. Additional reading here.

Is Medicaid the best for me?

State-funded insurance can be one of your options, but you’re never limited to them. Medicaid is given to those patients who are in the low-income tier of society. You need to check the state where you’re located to know if you belong to the low-income level, otherwise, you can’t have Medicaid.


Here are the coverage of Medicaid:

  • Mental therapy
  • Inpatient and outpatient treatment
  • Physician consultation
  • Transportation for medical treatment

Start your treatment today

Meth addiction is a rampant problem in the U.S. and other countries. When you feel that you’re addicted to it, it’s best to consult a doctor right away. That’s to avoid further complications and worsening your addiction. Other than that, having an insurance plan is best for everyone. It helps you prepare yourself for any medical treatments, that includes drug rehab.

Even if you’re addicted to meth, still, it would be best to have a policy. It gives you peace of mind for any medical fees you’d be paying for future treatments.

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Read here to learn more if meth rehab treatment is covered by insurance or not. Learn how you can get meth rehab covered by your insurance.