New Fortnite’s Building Changes Are Pretty Good

The removal of construction in favor of other traversal options in Fortnite’s next gimmick is sure to be divisive, but it could be precisely what the game needs. Fortnite has progressively introduced new mechanisms over the course of its existence, but it has never removed a fundamental gameplay component. With that in mind, Chapter 3 of Season 2 will be unlike any other season of Fortnite before it.

Building has remained a constant across Fortnite’s several iterations. One of the game’s trademark features that sets it apart from the field of online multiplayer exclusives is the ability to use gathered items to either overcome gaps or build cover. Fortnite will be considerably different, at least for the time being, with Chapter 3, Season 2 opening without constructing.

The removal of Fortnite’s buildings at the start of Season 2 will have both positive and negative consequences. While there will be no building, players will have to adjust, and it will be interesting to observe how they deal with this new reality. The way matches are played in the following weeks will reveal how this shift has impacted the game as a whole. With the Fortnite vbucks generator, you can get an unlimited amount of v bucks for your Fortnite account!

New Fortnite’s Mechanics Are Useful, Simple, And Easy To Learn

Sprinting, mantling, and overshield are three new mechanics introduced to Fortnite at the start of this season. All of these are easy to understand and execute. Sprinting allows players to sprint faster in brief bursts, mantling allows them to jump and climb onto ledges, and overshield is a regenerative shield that absorbs up to 50 additional damage. These new abilities, like the mechanical and primal weaponry introduced in Fortnite Season 6, are another evidence of Epic’s continued innovation in the game. All of these, as well as the sliding mechanism that was included last season, are covered in a tutorial that activates following a player’s first game this season. Despite the fact that these elements are simple, the tutorial assists in introducing them to players and easing them into the new gameplay.

Each of the new mechanics has its own set of benefits. Sprinting offers obvious benefits, such as being able to get to locations of interest faster and having an extra burst of speed to get out of danger. Mantling can assist players in navigating the island by allowing them to jump over fences and drag themselves up cliffs. In Fortnite, mantling may also be able to neutralize fall damage, at least with excellent timing. The overshield, on the other hand, can provide players a fighting chance if they are caught off guard or get off to a bad start in a gunfight.

These features are particularly intriguing because, in a Fortnite without buildings, they encourage players to adapt by forcing them to find new routes to travel the area. A match played at the start of this season will be very different from one played at the end of the previous season. The game has evolved swiftly, and new techniques and tactics will emerge as a result. A healthy game is one that adapts, and this season will see a lot of changes in Fortnite’s meta.

Fortnite Looks Like A Generic Battle Royale

The importance of this building in Fortnite cannot be emphasized. It’s one of the game’s most well-known and touted features, and pro Fortnite players can build at breakneck speed. Fortnite is lacking an element of its identity with the season starting without a building. It may not be as drastic as a Mario game without leaping or a Sonic game without running, but it is still a significant shift that will take some getting accustomed to.

The fact that the new powers added in Chapter 3, Season 2 are mostly generic abilities does not help matters. Sprinting is a mechanism that can be found in almost any shooter, so it’s surprising that Fortnite lasted so long without having one. Similarly, the overshield resembles the regenerative health found in a number of popular shooters, most notably the Halo series. Fortnite’s gameplay is a little less distinct now that constructing has been replaced by these other aspects.

With the addition of new tasks and NPCs in Fortnite Season 2, the game maintains its unique identity, which is reinforced by the vivid, colorful colors and vast number of crossover properties. However, losing building means that a significant component of the game is now absent, and one of the main skills that players have developed is now useless. As it is, some people may find transitioning to this new style difficult. The best part of the Fortnite generator is that it’s easy to use, and you can start generating v bucks right away!

New Fortnite’s Mechanics Should Make It Better

Of course, that structure will never be removed from Fortnite. Not only is it an important component of the game, but it also has a questline at the start of each season focusing on finding a means to bring building back. Furthermore, rather than the button being deactivated totally, if the player touches the build button, they are alerted that building is now unavailable. Not to mention, a few months ago, a Fortnite leaker disclosed a restricted no-build option. All of these hints combined make it clear that building will return to Fortnite in due time.

However, this raises the question of why the structure was removed in the first place. One motive could be to encourage gamers to try out the new mechanics. Players will be forced to develop new strategies involving running, sliding, and mantling as they will no longer be able to rely on construction as they have in the past. Players will most likely be familiar with the new mechanics by the time construction returns to the game. Combining the two playstyles could result in a significantly more tactical Fortnite experience than gamers have previously experienced.

That thing is certain: Fortnite’s building will return. In the interim, players will be hard at work relearning how to control the island with their new skillsets and the new weapon options in Fortnite Season 2. Fortnite’s developers have practically insured that these skills will become ubiquitous by giving players a purpose to practice their new powers.

For the time being, Fortnite is without buildings, but this is for the better good of the game. As the game transforms into a new shape, Fortnite is in a time of growth. When Chapter 3 of Season 2 concludes, Fortnite may find itself in a better position than it was at the end of the previous season.