Role of plastic crates in packing fruits and vegetables


Packaging fresh fruits and vegetables is the most important step in the long and complex journey from producer to consumer. Bags, crates, hampers, baskets, cartons, bulk bins and pelletized containers are convenient containers for handling, transporting and marketing of fresh produce.

More than 1,500 different types of packages are used for production in the Australia and the number of new packaging materials and concepts being introduced by the industry continue to grow. Although the industry generally agrees that container standardization is a way to reduce costs, the trend in recent years has been to introduce a wide range of package sizes to cater to the diverse needs of wholesalers, consumers, food service buyers and processing operations.

Packing and packaging materials like plastic crates Sydney contribute significantly to the manufacturing industry; It is therefore important to have a clear understanding of the wide range of packaging options available to packers, shippers, buyers and consumers. This fact sheet describes many types of packaging, including their functions, uses and limitations. It also includes a list of standard general production containers for the industry.

Why use plastic crates for packaging?

A significant percentage of product buyer and consumer complaints can be traced to container failure due to poor design or improper selection and use. A properly designed product container must contain the product, protect it and identify it in a way that satisfies everyone from the manufacturer to the consumer.

  • Recycling/Biodegradability

A growing number of Australian markets and many export markets have banned the disposal of waste for packaging materials. In the near future, almost all product packaging will be recyclable or biodegradable or both. Even the largest buyers of fresh products are most concerned about environmental issues.

  • Diversity

The trend is towards more use of processor and wholesale packages for wholesale buyers and smaller packages for consumers. There are now over 1,500 product packages of various sizes and types. High quality graphics are increasingly being used to enhance sales appeal. Multi-colour printing, special characters and logos are now commonplace.

  • Shelf life

Modern product packaging for each item can be custom engineered to increase shelf life and reduce waste. The products are more tend to retain freshness and natural elements when they are stored in plastic crates.

  • Prevention

The product in the container should be enclosed in units convenient for handling and distribution. The product should fit snugly inside the container without wasting any space. Small products that are round or rectangular (such as potatoes, onions, and apples) can be effectively packaged using a variety of package sizes and shapes. However, many products such as asparagus, berries or soft fruits may require specially designed containers for that item. Product packages that are usually hand-controlled are usually limited to 50 pounds. Bulk packages moved by a forklift can weigh up to 1,200 pounds.

  • Protection

During handling and delivery, the package should protect the product from mechanical damage and poor environmental conditions. To produce buyers, torn, damaged or broken product packages usually show a lack of care in handling the contents. Product containers must be strong enough to withstand damage during packaging, storage and transportation to market.

  • Easy palletization

Since almost all product packages are pelletized, the product container should have sufficient stacking strength to resist crushing in low temperature, high humidity environments. Although the price of packaging materials has risen sharply in recent years, poor quality, lightweight containers that are easily handled or damaged by moisture are not tolerated by packers or buyers.

Final thoughts

The plastic crates Melbourne needs to be stronger for a product intended for export markets. Air-freight products may require special packing, package size and insulation. Marketers exporting fresh products should consult with shipping companies regarding any specific packaging requirements. In addition, various state export agencies may be able to provide specific packaging information.