Social Media Video Marketing Trends 2023

Social Media Video Marketing Trends 2023

Social Media Video Marketing Trends 2023

2023 will be marked by video marketing trends, especially in social networks. According to a report by Hoot suite, video consumption on social platforms multiplied by 4 in 2021 and this trend does not seem to change in the coming years.

But the way this is expressed in different networks, the demonstration of how they work, and, above all, how to take advantage of it, is what will allow marketers and creative to take advantage of this trend.

This is what you will see in this new post about social media video marketing trends for 2023. Without further ado, let’s get started.

The proven effectiveness of videos in recent years

The video format is one of the most attractive and effective in 2021, and the trend will undoubtedly continue for years to come. This is how many marketers perceive it, and a recent study by Analytic Partners confirms this idea. Thus, the investigation was able to determine that videos generate 39% more sales compared to static images.

However, the elements that make one video more successful than another, or in which ultimately it generates better results, are decisive to take advantage of maximum effectiveness. Aspects such as the durability of the content, creativity, orientation and formats are key factors in their success.

These and other elements were analyzed in the investigation, thus determining a series of tips to increase the effectiveness of this trend:

  • Think about mobile devices, mobile users are still the majority.
  • Consider using subtitles and think about the experience without sound, there are a lot of users who mute their social networks when using them.
  • Make sure to showcase the brand and product in the videos you share.
  • Users are short on time, so keep it short and to the point.
  • Make quick motion and edits at the beginning of the video, this helps grab attention from the start.
  • Accompany the previous advice with a visual impact to capture attention from the second one, use interesting shapes and colors that do not go unnoticed.
  • Add the wow factor as the video progresses to keep your prospects engaged.
  • Use a reduced narrative frame, that is, go directly to the denouement or apply an introduction as short as possible.

This type of research ads to the Facebook Ads trends for 2023, where video will be one of the most effective formats for advertising strategies in the coming years. It is worth preparing for it.

The new revolution: personalized videos on social networks

The trend in videos is increasingly moving away from the typical generic advertisements on television, or from advertisements aimed at a gigantic mass of people, now the key to success is the personalization of the content. Which means not only a precise segmentation, supported by artificial intelligence, but also a generation of content that puts the user as its main component.

In this way, we could say that aspects such as music, typography, video shots, creativity and graphic elements are designed for a very well-defined target in terms of their needs, tastes, age, sector, status and culture. So says Jodi Harris, in an article about the personalization revolution in video marketing.

Similarly, this involves more accurate data management, target customer research, and a lot of A/B testing to confirm hypotheses. In addition, for companies that contain a customer database, this will be the next strategy to retain them.

TikTok for companies is almost a must

The latter brings us to the most successful social network in terms of video, TikTok. Already for 2021 TikTok leads as the most downloaded application of the year, far surpassing its competitors, Facebook and Instagram.

This makes having a presence on this social network not sound so far-fetched, after all, all kinds of content appears there for different types of audiences.

TikTok is no longer a social network for teenagers dancing and having fun. Every day different types of generations are added looking for educational or interesting content, and it is not for nothing that it almost reaches the ostentatious number of one billion users.

This social network has not only been a resounding success despite socio-political problems, but has also diversified its content and has embraced a large number of brands, which shows a continuous maturation, and a generation of opportunities for companies that are still hesitate to join TikTok.

Instagram is no longer a photo social network

For some time now, Facebook has paid a lot of attention to the video format, since research and advances in its algorithm indicate that the next steps on Instagram will be in the direction of this format. Thus, in the words of the director of Instagram himself, Adam Mosser i, this social network is no longer a social network for sharing photos.

The facts show this, if you want to have a greater amount of exposure and reach, it is inevitable to use Reels and IGTV. So prioritizing this type of content, both organic and paid, is the best strategy in this year 2023.

Instagram’s vision is to increase the participation and consumption of this type of content, and its algorithm will undoubtedly be in favor of giving content creators relevance and reach in this format. So do not hesitate to join this new trend.


It is certain that 2023 will be marked by the video format, which at the same time implies facing challenges in terms of design, script creation, experimenting with timing and knowing how to adjust content to these formats on their respective platforms.

This means that your marketing strategy must be aimed at creating valuable content that can be translated into audiovisual format, designing a verbal identity that combines words and sounds, and having creative ideas that generate a personalized impact on the different segments of your audience.

On the other hand, on advertising platforms it will be necessary to apply different strategies to capture attention and persuade users to click, become interested in your product/service or consider the offer you propose.  Also check Descargar videos de Facebook

Although the ROI of these formats is higher than those of flat images, it does not mean that it is a simple and easy task. It is necessary to face the new formats with a professional mentality, being ahead of the times and considering the best way to take advantage of it.