Subjective” vs. “Objective”: What’s The Difference?

Objectief En Subjectief


In this blog post, we’ll be discussing the difference between “subjective” and “objective.” subjective refers to a person’s own thoughts, feelings, or opinions, while objective refers to facts or events that can be verified. It’s important to be able to distinguish between the two when you’re reading or writing, so that you can determine whether something is based on personal opinion or objective fact.

When it comes to writing, the terms “subjective” and “objective” are often used interchangeably. However, there is a big difference between the two. Subjective writing is based on the writer’s opinions, feelings, and emotions. Objective writing, on the other hand, is based on facts and evidence.

Subjective writing can be found in many different genres, including opinion pieces, reviews, and personal essays. It’s important to remember that subjective writing is not necessarily wrong or right – it’s simply a way of expressing a point of view.

Objective writing is often found in news stories, research papers, and scientific journals. This type of writing focuses on facts and data, rather than personal opinion. It’s important to remember that objective writing is not always dry or boring – it can be engaging and informative.

So which one should you use? It depends on your purpose for writing. If you’re trying to persuade someone to see your point of view, then subjective writing may be more effective. However, if you’re simply trying to communicate information clearly and concisely, then Objectief En Subjectief writing is the way to go.

Subjective vs. Objective

It’s common to hear people use the terms “subjective” and “objective” when they’re talking about different ways of looking at things. But what exactly do these terms mean?

Subjective refers to a person’s own individual perspective or point of view. It is based on personal opinion, feelings, or senses. Objective, on the other hand, refers to facts or data that can be verified independently of anyone’s personal opinion.

So why is it important to know the difference between these two terms? Well, it can be helpful in evaluating information. For example, if you’re trying to make a decision about something, you may want to consider both the subjective and objective information before coming to a conclusion.

Similarly, if you’re reading an article or watching a news report, it’s important to be aware of any biases that the author or reporter may have. An objective viewpoint will present information without any personal opinions or feelings attached, whereas a subjective viewpoint will include these elements.

Knowing the difference between subjective and objective information can help you make more informed decisions and understand the world around you better.

Subjective vs. Objective: What’s The Difference?

When it comes to writing, there are two main types of point of view – subjective and objective. Each one has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it’s important to understand the difference between the two before you start writing.

Subjective point of view is when the narrator is telling the story from their own personal perspective. This means that they will include their own thoughts, feelings, and opinions in the story. While this can give readers a more intimate look at the characters and events, it can also make the story feel less objective or reliable.

Objective point of view is when the narrator is telling the story from a more detached perspective. They will stick to facts and events as they happened, without adding in any personal thoughts or feelings. This can make the story feel more impartial, but it can also make it feel less personal.

What does Subjective mean?

Subjective means something that is based on personal opinion or feelings, rather than facts. It is the opposite of objective.

Subjective means based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions. In contrast, objective means not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts.

So when you’re looking at a piece of writing, if it seems like the author is just giving their opinion and not basing it on anything else, then it’s probably subjective. If, on the other hand, the author is including information that can be checked and verified as true, then it’s probably objective.

What does Objective mean?

When it comes to writing, the terms “subjective” and “objective” are often used interchangeably. However, there is a big difference between the two terms. Subjective writing is based on the writer’s opinions, feelings, and emotions. Objective writing, on the other hand, is based on facts and evidence.

The main difference between subjective and objective writing is that subjective writing is based on the writer’s own opinions and feelings while objective writing is based on facts and evidence.

Subjective writing is often found in opinion pieces or personal essays. The purpose of subjective writing is to express the writer’s thoughts and feelings about a topic. Because subjective writing is based on the writer’s own opinions, it can be difficult to write objectively.

Objective writing, on the other hand, is focused on presenting facts and evidence. This type of writing is often found in news articles or research papers. The goal of objective writing is to present information without bias or opinion. This can be difficult to do because it can be easy to let your own beliefs sway your reporting of facts.

The Difference Between Subjective and Objective

Subjective: A subjective statement is a statement that cannot be proven. It is based on someone’s personal opinion or feelings.

Objective: An objective statement is a statement that can be proven. It is based on facts and evidence.

Subjective statements are based on personal opinions, feelings, or beliefs. Objective statements are based on facts or evidence.


In a nutshell, the difference between “subjective” and “objective” is that subjective information is based on personal opinions and feelings, while objective information is not. It’s important to be able to distinguish between the two when you’re reading or listening to someone else because it can help you better understand their point of view. With that said, there is no right or wrong answer when it comes to whether something is subjective or objective — it all depends on your perspective.