Endodontic therapy, more commonly known as root canal treatment, is performed when the nerve of a tooth becomes infected and is designed to allow patients to keep their tooth. Without endodontic therapy, dentists would have to extract teeth with infected nervous systems; Fortunately, root canals preserve tooth structure so otherContinue Reading


Formerly, when the dental pulp of a tooth became inflamed, the dentist proceeded to extract it to treat this pathology. Today we can preserve the tooth thanks to root canal treatment, or root endodontics. In this article, we want to explain clearly what this treatment consists of, and why itContinue Reading

The dental field is an incredibly challenging and noble practice. It’s not for everyone. Not everyone has the perseverance and determination to go through the entire process of education required to become a dentist. The best dental professional to work in Corona CA, for that matter. Achieving the dental admissions test (DAT) isn’t the first stepContinue Reading