How to Create a Marketing Strategy for a Small Business

A marketing strategy aligns your campaigns with goals. This post explains how to create a marketing strategy for a small business. Content: Organizations want to develop a marketing strategy for business growth, but it can be overwhelming and time-consuming. However, some steps are beneficial to streamline the process and makeContinue Reading

Business Travel Market

Instagram is a great way for small businesses to connect with potential and current customers. Through Instagram businesses can share photos and videos as well as offer discounts and promotions.  Smihub Additionally businesses can use hashtags to reach a wider audience. Instagram is a social media platform that enables businessesContinue Reading

On The Content Mix podcast, we’ve talked to dozens of social media specialists from all over Europe over the last few months, and several of them have given us important advice on working with influencers. Based on their experiences, we’ll share nine efficient influencer marketing tactics in this piece. Here’sContinue Reading