Trends and Outlook for Fixed Income

Surging inflation, rising rates, coronavirus threats and flattening curves make things challenging for bond investors in 2022. However, credit research on trends and the outlook for fixed income is critical. Investors must continue differentiating between sectors, securities and regions to survive in this type of environment. In this note, weContinue Reading


For you to be approved for a mortgage or personal loan, for example, curiously, you must have other credits. The behavior in paying debts is one of the main elements for them to grant you new credits. In Mexico, the Credit Information Societies (SIC), such as the Credit Bureau orContinue Reading

What Is Traditional Credit Analysis

According to Robert et, under this approach the financial analyst can use the model of the four Cs of credit when evaluating a credit application:  ● Capacity seeks to measure the ability of the borrower to generate funds that allow him to pay the obligation, for which it is necessary to perform anContinue Reading