Magento is one of the most powerful eCommerce solutions that can help you grow your eCommerce business. The SEO features that this platform offers coupled with the expertise of a Magento eCommerce SEO professional will help your business succeed. Hiring an SEO agency for their Magento SEO services can optimizeContinue Reading

There’s a lot of – ahem, misinformation – out there when it comes to eCommerce SEO, and SEO in general. So we took it upon ourselves to go straight to the source and ask an eCommerce SEO expert – one of the writers for Genius eCommerce who has been inContinue Reading

The success of an internet company is influenced by a wide range of elements. Even online companies with the most cutting-edge goods and services might fail if they don’t follow the right formula. A user-friendly website is essential to attracting visitors and keeping them on your site after you’ve gainedContinue Reading

Traditional SEO services typically provide everything many businesses need to succeed. Local and eCommerce WordPress SEO services, on the other hand, provide a competitive advantage that can help you maximize the impact of your SEO strategy and grow your eCommerce business. Search engine algorithms have seen countless modifications and innovationsContinue Reading