The difference between Arabica and Robusta coffee.

What is Arabica Coffee?

This kind of coffee is produced from the beans of the Coffea Arabica plant.

The coffee bean manufacturer of Arabica cultivates these kinds of beans in the southwestern highlands of Ethiopia. It is recognized as the most popular type, that covers nearly about 60% or more of the world’s coffee production.

The second most famous after Arabica is the Robusta coffee which is made from the beans of the Coffea Canephora plant.

From where its name Arabica is derived?

They are named so because it was presumed that the beans were taken from Ethiopia to lower Arabia in the 7th century.

These beans are crushed and mixed with the fat and eaten as a stimulant by the Oromo tribe.

But as these beans reached Arabia, coffee was born. It was first recognized as a beverage by Arab scholars, who admitted that it has helped them to prolong their work hours. Right at that moment, coffee spread around the world.

In case coffee beans were made into a delicious beverage for the first time in Arabia, it’s easy to understand why they are recognized as the best Arabica coffee or called Arabica coffee and why it’s also known as Arabian coffee.

What does arabica coffee taste like?

The best Arabica coffee has a nice sweet flavor of taste with hints of chocolate, nuts, and caramel. You may also find hints of fruit and berries. It might have a little/pleasant acidity and a slight bitterness. Cold brewing coffee can support to enhance the sweet taste of Arabica.

The type of roast you select will influence the degree to which you notice the flavors. The area in which the beans are grown and the combination of soil can also affect the balance of the above flavors. Correct storing of coffee beans is a great way to support the preservation of those delicious notes that keep them nice and fresh.

The kind of coffee beans you’ve discovered in the grocery store, market, coffee shop, and café – is non-other than arabica coffee. Few coffee bean manufacturers mix Arabica and Robusta coffee beans, particularly the espresso blends. In which the majority is Arabica coffee.

Hence, in your local cafe all these yummy coffee drinks (including white coffee) you get – it’s non-other than the Arabica. And when you’ve decided to make coffee at home, grab a bag of Arabica from the coffee bean manufacturer to get the best results.

Are there any different kinds of arabica coffee beans?

They are a large family of Arabica coffee beans from which dozens of varieties can be cultivated. Few of these varieties are dissimilar from the particular coffee growing regions – while other varieties are grown in most areas around the world.

Over here are some of the best Arabica coffee types: –

  1. Typica
  2. Bourbon
  3. Caturra.
  4. Catimor.
  5. Catuai.
  6. and much more.

So, these are the few coffee types.

Difference between Arabica and Robusta.

  1. In comparison to Robusta, arabica are less caffeinated. The percentage of caffeine contained in Arabica is 1.5%, while in Robusta it is 2.7%. These might be the source of attention for those who are concerned with the unfavorable effects of too much caffeine. So, it might be the better choice in their cases. Caffeine also has a bitter flavor that makes Arabica less bitter than Robusta.

  1. Apart from these more sugar is contained in Arabica. They almost have twice the sugar present than Robusta beans. However, most people prefer sweet over bitter flavors, it probably might be the reason for the difference in popularity.

  1. In comparison to Robusta, more lipids are present in Arabica. More than 60% of lipids (fats, oils, waxes, certain vitamins, hormones…) are present in a best arabica coffee bean.

  1. In comparison to Robusta, Arabica flavor has relatively higher acidity. It’s lots similar to acidity, which makes wine taste better. This adds fruit, chocolate, and nutty flavors to Arabica coffee. Robusta has a poor standard which lends itself to the smell of wood or burnt rubber.

  1. Arabica is much more popular than Robusta. Arabica covers up 60% -75% or more of worldwide coffee production. While Robusta makes around 40% or less.

  1. Arabica has a sweeter flavor than Robusta. The flavor is rich with the taste of chocolate, nuts, fruit, and berries. On the other hand, the bitter, earthy, and rubbery taste is held by the Robusta.

  1. Arabica is very much costlier than Robusta. The coffee bean manufacturer of these beans finds it hard to cultivate as Arabica are highly sensitive towards the environment. They also tasted better which makes their demand higher. Hence, it’s costlier than Robusta.

So, these are the differences between Arabica and Robusta coffee beans. These depict how best arabica coffee beans are.