The Impact of Stress on Sleep – Best Ways to Reduce Stress

In our day-to-day life stress is becoming a normal part of our life. Stress can from any source such as work pressure, relationship, peer pressure, financial, family, and health problems. People with oversensitive external stimuli experience a more stressful life than others. 

It affects human health in two ways either by disturbing your night sleeps or reducing the amount of deep sleep that you get with a healthy lifestyle. 

So with that said, let’s check out the negative impact of sleep on sleep & body with this article. 

Impact of Stress on Sleep 

When your body is under stress for too long, it releases stress hormones, cortisol, which causes chronic inflammation that leads to illnesses such as diabetes or cardiovascular diseases. This causes insomnia, which reduces the power of a person to fall asleep. 

Some of the most dangerous effects of stress on sleep are described below:

  • Insomnia, which is the inability to fall asleep or stay asleep for a sufficient length of time each night, can be brought on by stress. Other symptoms of insomnia can include difficulties concentrating, anger, and tension in the muscles. There are several things you can do, though, to lessen your stress levels, which will help you sleep better at night. Aside from harming one’s physical and mental health, stress can also result in several diseases and chronic ailments.
  • You deal with stressors in your life daily, which may leave you mentally tense and worn out. Lack of sleep prevents us from getting a restful night’s sleep, which ultimately results in higher cortisol levels. All the many systems in our bodies respond to stimuli in different ways. Our blood sugar levels rise, we have shallow breathing and an irregular heartbeat, elevated blood pressure, and many other symptoms that can make us irritable over even little things.
  • It’s normal for people to experience restless nights where they toss and turn in their sleep or wake up repeatedly throughout the night, which affects their moods when they are under too much stress during the day. When anxious ideas are present in your mind throughout the night, falling asleep becomes challenging. As cortisol is released later in the evening or at night, it may be difficult for you to remain still long enough for your brainwaves to settle down, preventing you from returning to the deep REM stage of sleep. Your brain appears to be in a state of increased awareness at this time, which explains why you might not be able to fall asleep.
  • Adrenaline is a hormone that your body releases when you are stressed. When faced with a life-threatening threat, adrenaline causes the fight-or-flight reaction, which subsequently causes the body to produce cortisol to help us deal with the stressor more effectively. However, it becomes difficult for the body and mind to operate properly when we consistently release excessive levels of these hormones into our bodies without getting enough rest. When we experience various types of stress causes, the body releases cortisol and adrenaline.

Best Ways to Reduce Stress 

When you are sleep-deprived it becomes harder for your brain to regulate emotions, process information, and even make it difficult to think and make a sound decisions. That’s why it’s crucial to get rid of stress and get adequate sleep. 

Here are some of the tips & tricks for reducing stress:

  1. Eat & Drink Healthy – Some people turn to excessive eating or drinking to decompress. Although these acts may appear to reduce stress in the short term, they may fact increase it. Stress effects can be exacerbated by caffeine as well. While eating a balanced, healthy diet might assist in reducing stress.
  2. Regular Exercise – Exercise has been demonstrated to be a highly effective stress reliever in addition to its positive effects on physical health. Take into account non-competitive aerobic exercise, weightlifting, or movement practices like yoga.
  3. Sleeping Environment – Many people are unaware of the fact that sleep is deprived of the quality & type of mattress you sleep on. An unsuitable environment can significantly increase stress levels by up to 60%. You can improve your sleeping environment by using a dark cool room, with no noise, and a good mattress.  You can buy mattress online that may help you get a good night’s sleep. 
  4. Practice Relaxation Techniques – Everyday relaxation helps you manage stress and shield your body from its negative consequences. Deep breathing, guided visualization, progressive muscle relaxation, and mindfulness meditation are just a few of the methods you can use.
  5. Reduce On-screen Time – Another best way to reduce stress and enhance sleep is by reducing the time on mobile, laptops, or any other digital screen an hour before going to bed.

So, no you get to know about the major things you can do to enhance your sleep, it’s time to get a premium quality mattress. 

Where to Buy Mattress Online? – Try The Sleep Company 

Given the abundance of mattress brands on the market, selecting reliable and durable ones may be a challenging task.

The Sleep Company, on the other hand, is committed to offering high-quality, long-lasting mattresses so you can get a good night’s rest. The back and spine are supported to perfection by the SmartGRID technology.

You can buy mattress online without thinking much as the company provides 100 nights trial period and a 10-year of warranty. 


Therefore, before choosing a mattress in India, take a look at the mattresses that The Sleep Company offers.