The Truth About Dental Implants: Before And After

dental implants before and after

Dental implants before and after : Dental implants are increasingly becoming the method of choice for replacing missing teeth in patients who have lost them to trauma, disease, or aging. However, many people are reluctant to get implants because they’re afraid of how painful the procedure will be. Before you decide against implants on the basis of pain, take a look at these before and after images of actual patients who underwent the procedure to get an idea of what can really be expected from dental implants. You may find that it isn’t quite as bad as you thought!


What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are artificial teeth that are surgically inserted into the jaw bone. This procedure is usually done when someone has lost their teeth or has had them removed because of gum disease or other oral health problems. A dental implant replaces the tooth root with a metal rod, which will then hold an artificial tooth in place.

Dental bone grafting procedure is used to prepare the jawbone for surgery and ensure that it heals properly after the implant has been inserted.

Dental implants can be a great option for those who have lost their teeth due to illness, injury, or other reasons. However, some people may need more than one procedure to get back what they once had.


The Consultation Process

A dental bone grafting procedure is a necessary step for the successful installation of a dental implant. During this procedure, your dentist will remove some of your healthy tooth-bearing bone from the jaw to make room for the dental implant. The bone is then packed in place and will fuse with your jawbone as it heals. Your dentist may also need to perform additional bone grafts before installing an implant, depending on how much bone was removed during the initial procedure.

Typically, it takes up to eight weeks for a dental bone grafting procedure to heal completely; however, you can still eat soft foods after four or five days.


What To Expect During The Procedure

A dental bone grafting procedure is one of the most common steps in the implant process. It’s performed by removing a small amount of your jawbone to make room for the implant, then placing a small titanium post into your jawbone that will be used to anchor the artificial tooth or teeth. This small surgery can take less than an hour with little discomfort, but recovery may take up to three months before you’re able to fully use your mouth again. If you’re thinking about getting implants, it’s important to understand what’s involved so you can determine if it’s right for you. Read more here to learn more about dental bone grafting procedures and other steps involved in dental implantation.


After The Procedure

Implant surgery can be scary, but it doesn’t have to be. A dental bone grafting procedure is a crucial part of the implant process that can make you feel more at ease about the surgery. The dental bone grafting procedure takes place before the actual surgery, and this step can help you sleep better knowing there’s nothing that could go wrong during your surgery. The dental bone grafting procedure entails removing some of the patients’ own tooth-bearing bone and replacing it with an artificial material called a block, which is then shaped into a custom fit for their jawbone.

This is done to avoid any problems with implant positioning or stability once they are placed in the mouth. Once the surgical site has healed from the dental bone grafting procedure, it will be time for the final surgery. We will remove all existing teeth and gums so that we can prepare everything for implant placement by creating a space where implants will be able to attach without being hindered by gum tissue or other natural structures. We also need room for placement when needed of various dental prostheses such as dentures and bridges. Once your mouth heals from these steps, your implants will be ready to start healing themselves as well!



  1. Do I have to have dental bone grafting procedure? No, not necessarily. If you don’t mind the implants being on top of your gum tissue, then you should be just fine without having it done. However, if you want them to feel more natural in your mouth or not have any post-surgery complications, then it would be best to get the procedure done.
  2. Does dental bone grafting procedure hurt? Yes! There is an injection that is given into the gums before the surgery begins which will numb your mouth for about an hour or so. You may also be given anesthesia at some point during the surgery to ensure that you’re comfortable.
  3. What are dental implant healing stages like? Healing can take up to three months for some people, but others heal faster than that. You will likely experience discomfort during this time period as your teeth shift and readjust themselves over time.
  4. But by far the worst part of recovery has been when we had a little one who was teething at the same time we were recovering from dental bone grafting procedure – let’s just say we were very tired parents those days!