Things One Should Know Before Fitting Bigger Tyre

Here are certain things one should know before fitting bigger Tyres on Your 4WD

If you own a 4WD, you’re probably either a true off-road enthusiast who likes to get your vehicle stuck and figure out how to get it out, or you want to have a rig that looks cool and gets people’s attention when you drive down the street.

One thing that both sides agree on, though, is that we all want to put bigger tyres on our cars. There, both how it looks and how well it works are important.

In this blog, we’ll try to cover some of the most important things you need to know about putting bigger Firestone Tyres London on your 4WD.

Why Should I Get My 4wd Bigger Tyres?

Without getting too technical, 4WDs are thru so that torque is transferred evenly to all four tyres. This makes driving smooth on any terrain.

Lift kits alone used to be a popular way to make a 4WD look bigger and more aggressive, but now a lift plus bigger tyres is the norm.

Some Reasons to Think About Getting Bigger Tyres Are:

• Better Performance Off-road

Simply put, more rubber on the road means bigger tyres (or surfaces). The more friction there is between your tyre and the ground, the better your vehicle will handle and be able to be controlled.

This larger surface area gives you a better grip on the surface below, making you less likely to fall or look like a fool in front of the crew.

• Take the Style Meter to the Max

There’s no question that bigger tyres will make your rig look SO MUCH BETTER. With a lift and a new set of these aggressive ATs, you can turn your car into a real beast.

When it comes to tyres, size does matter… The bigger and wider your tyres are, the tougher you look.

• Shorter Stopping Distance

In addition to our first point, bigger tyres will help you get a much better grip on the ground. They will also help your overall performance because they will improve the brakes in some ways.

Increasing the diameter within certain limits makes the brakes better, which shortens the distance you need to stop.

After all, you’d rather be able to pull up faster than not be able to. Even more so if your beast is rolling through a suburb or out in the middle of nowhere.

• Better Handling and Cornering Control

Even though the performance changes completely when you have more contact with the ground, the car can also be much easier to handle and drive.

When the roads are dry, the longer and wider tyres make it easier for the car to turn corners. Also, putting bigger tyres on your 4WD will make the sidewalls stiffer than they were before. This will give you better control over how your vehicle moves and a better response time.

There are many benefits to getting bigger tyres that can’t be denied, but there are also some things to think about.

What Else Should I Think About Before I Put on Bigger Tyres?

• More Fuel is Being Used

This is by far one of the worst things about getting bigger tyres. Putting bigger tyres on your 4WD can cause it to use more gas. This is because bigger tyres carry more weight, which affects the engine directly.

Even though this might seem harmless because of all the extra benefits, if you spend a lot of time in your car for work (i.e., it’s your daily driver), this will add up pretty quickly!

• More Noise!

This might seem strange to people who just bought their first 4WD. But tyres that are bigger and have shorter side walls will make a lot more noise than stock tyres.

Even if you choose the Roadcruza RA3200s, which are some of the quieter mud tyres on the market, the noise will be even louder if you put mud tyres on your car.

This is also true of low-quality tyres, which have less rubber to absorb noise. This is why we always recommend that our customers choose a 10ply tyre.

If you’ve ever been in a car with a guy who drives on muddy 35″ tyres, you know that the noise these things make can ruin even the best day.

• It Can’t Take Shocks Well.

Since bigger tyres are heavier, they will directly change how well the car can absorb shocks. In turn, this will affect how comfortable your ride is, especially when you are off-roading or driving on uneven ground.

• Speedo Calibration

Your speedometer will change if you get bigger tyres.

When you put on bigger tyres, the tire’s circumference will grow, which means the distance around the tyre will be longer. So, every time you turn, you’re actually going farther.

This means that your actual speed will be faster than the speed shown on the speedometer.

Having a calibration done might be a good idea, depending on how big the difference is. Here, you can see what will happen if you change the size of your tyres.

henceforth, even though we’ve given you a list of things to think about before putting bigger tyres on your 4WD, it’s important that you know how much bigger tyres will cost you. Most of the time, more rubber means more money.

Upgrading your Cheap Tyres London can be pricey, so make sure you think about the things that were talked about in this blog post. Also, there’s no reason to get tyres that are too big for your car. As silly as it sounds, we’ve seen people get too focused on size, which leads to a lot of rubbing and the inability to use the vehicle’s full turning circle.

We also want you to know that bigger isn’t always better and that your choice should depend on your needs. The people at TWD 44 are always here to help you figure out what to do.

To know more, do reach out to us.