Things to consider before buying online plants


When choosing your plants from an online garden retailer, remember that the retailer is serving a broad, possibly even international, audience and not all advertised plants are suitable for your location. Before ordering any plants, make sure you know what type of climate each plant needs; Successful development depends on this knowledge.

It is a good idea to know the pH level of the soil at the intended planting location and the pH requirements of the plants you intend to plant. It is also important to know how much sunlight the area receives and how much sunlight the plants need. Some plants do better in shaded or partially shaded areas, and too much sunlight can be just as harmful as not enough.

Then, of course, you have to consider what kind of plants you want to buy online. Do you want to plant perennials? Perennials are plants that last year after year once planted and should not be replanted once established. Or, do you want to plant annuals? Annuals are one-season plants (although some “annuals” are considered perennials in some tropical locations). Chances are you will plant a mix of both perennials and annuals.

Selecting the plant colours

What about colours? Don’t forget that not only flowering plants can come in a rainbow of colours, not all foliage is your native green colour. Foliage has many shades of colour and, like flower colours, foliage colours should be considered when determining your colour theme and plant placement.

Also, if you’re going for colour, don’t forget to buy plants that bloom at different times of the season. Enjoying a constant rotation of blooming colour in your landscape can be well worth the time, effort and expense.

Get proper information

Anyone shopping for those perfect plants online for the yard and garden is now not limited to what’s available locally. Using the Internet is like having a window into a world of plants you may never have known before, and shopping online for plants for your garden can be a fun, educational, and rewarding experience.

You must know something to do anything. That’s right; So, if you want to get good quality plants for your garden, you must know and follow certain things to get desired flowers, fruits or vegetables in your garden. There are a few things you should keep in mind when you are planning to buy plants online.

  • Your location from the nursery: This is an important factor that you should consider for your plants when you buy nursery plants online. Online nursery stores ship your order to your address in standard packaging. If you choose a nursery that is located far enough from your location, you won’t be happy to open your package and find plants that are not breathing. Apparently, the long shipping process keeps the plant away from its habitat for a long time, which damages its characteristics.
  • At the time of your purchase: Plants are always shipped to customers as seedlings, which need to be planted in the ground as soon as received. But, if the time you ordered for planting is not suitable for planting, it is likely to die in bad weather. So, plan your time when you want to order your plants.
  • Availability of plants: Common vegetable or fruit plants are usually available all year round, but let’s say you want a species that is not very common, chances are you won’t find it now. So, when you buy nursery plants online ask about all plant availability. Some nurseries are looking to buy their stock seasonally, it is better to consult with them.
  • Good delivery guarantee: When you buy plants online in Australia, inquire if they offer any guarantee of good quality plant delivery. Pale yellow or dry leaves on the plant are manageable as they will persist after planting.

Final thoughts

When shopping on the net, try to find out what types of garden plants and shrubs are best suited for your space. Keep in mind that the websites you visit reach both domestic and international customers.Do some online research about the best garden plants for you. The types of flowers and their colours that will work well together, considering the height and size they grow, front side down, back side up. Don’t forget to check the time of year they flower.