Tips for coping with depression

depression anxiety

The best tips for coping with and handling depression are many but before that, we have to know what actually depression is.

Depression is a mental health illness that leads to severe blues and sadness. It zaps all the energy, causing people to have trouble continuing with their normal routine.

Alongside affecting your mood, depression also has grave implications for your physical health as well. Hence, learning how to manage depression is imperative.

Apart from visiting a Psychiatrist in Lahore, some helpful coping strategies include:

Have a Best support system

You like being independent. You do not want to appear vulnerable in front of others. You do not think people will understand you. You fear the stigma that mental illnesses brings. All these are valid reasons to not to confide in others, but it is imperative for people facing mental health problems to have support.

Unless you talk to someone who will respect your space and still offer you help, it will be very lonely. There is a growing awareness amongst people with regards to issues like depression, and therefore, taking the leap of faith with someone whom you think can help is important for coping with the disease.

Join a Active support group:

It also helps to join a support group with people who know exactly the challenges that you face because of depression. It can also help you feel less isolated. People in support groups can also offer you advice and guidance.

Make sure you get proper sleep upto 08 hrs per day:

Sleeping too little or too much, both is not good for your mental or physical health. While depression affects sleeping pattern, aiming for 7 to 9 hours of quality sleep every night is vital as otherwise, it can make the condition worse.


Hence, try to enforce a good sleep hygiene so your symptoms can improve. Some helpful things include not using screens in bed, getting sunlight during sunset and sunrise, sticking to a sleep routine, moderating caffeine intake, and not exercising before bed.


Practice relaxation techniques

Feeling on edge all the time due to depression is very exhausting. To help overcome this feeling and improve your mood otherwise as well, it helps to do some relaxation techniques.


Some helpful things for relaxation include meditation, yoga, mindfulness, and deep breathing are some excellent ways to relax.


Actively channel positivity

Being negative all the time can make your mood and symptoms of depression worse. Therefore, try to actively channel positive vibes. Always remember the law of attraction; you attract the energy that you send out in the universe.


So, be positive. Try to give others the benefit of the doubt. To every negative thought, think of two positive ones. Be grateful, always, as gratitude helps in improving your outlook.


Take time out for pleasure

One of the reasons why our mental health suffers more is because we forget to cater to it. An excellent way to help with improved mental health is by doing activities that help in revitalizing it.


So, take out time for activities that calm you, give you pleasure and happiness. Of course, during depression, finding these activities is hard since it leaches happiness from the life. However, you should continue working at it, making time out for yourself, looking after your mental health.


Some helpful activities to do in this regard include painting, gardening, walking, being out in the nature, etc.


Try to exercise

Exercise is good for improving your mood because it helps in releasing endorphins. Furthermore, exercise also helps in lowering cortisol levels. It is also good for physical health as well, which is also gravely affected due to depression as well.


Celebrate small wins

Depression can be made worse when you are hard on yourself. If you continuously berate yourself for not being enough, if you constantly compare yourself to others, chances are that you are going to feel worse about you have to stand on your own and you have to know what you are and what capabilities you have to do instead of blaming yourself. Keep yourself busy with work, and coping with friends, and plan some trips with your loved ones so that you can rid of depression and anxiety.


Therefore, try to celebrate your small wins. Your race is not with others; your journey is yours alone.


Follow up treatment

It is pertinent that you continue following up with your Psychiatrist in Karachi so that your treatment plan is up to date.

If you are experiencing depersonalization and realization these are the two symptoms that are usually brought and caused by depression and anxiety. For this treatment, you have to visit a proper health care psychiatrist or therapist to overcome the symptoms caused by mainly by your deep depression and anxiety.



if you wanted to know more about anxiety depression and different anxiety-related articles and suggestions kindly visit our website here.