Tips for Maintaining Clean Carpets After Professional Cleaning

If you’ve ever had your carpets cleaned by a professional cleaner, you know just how much effort and time goes into making them look and smell new again. And if you have kids or pets, you know that dirt and pet hair can be a major headache to deal with. Fortunately, there are ways to maintain clean carpets after professional cleaning  even if you don’t have the time or money to hire a cleaner on a regular basis. Check out these tips to help keep your carpets clean and free of stains.


Remove all furniture and appliances from the room before cleaning


Before you start cleaning, remove all furniture and appliances from the room. This will help keep the floor cleaner and make it easier to move around while cleaning. If there are any large pieces of furniture or heavy objects, ask a friend or family member to help you move them out of the way.


To clean carpets, begin by spraying the area with a carpet cleaning solution. Use a mop to soak up as much of the solution as possible. Be sure to work in small areas at a time and rinse off the mop frequently. After soaking and cleaning the carpet, blot dry with a towel.


Use a broom to sweep up debris


Sweeping up debris is an important part of maintaining clean carpets after professional Carpet Cleaning New Cross. Brooms are effective at sweeping up small pieces of debris and can help keep your carpet clean and free from dust, dirt, and pet hair.


Use a mop to wet the area and start scrubbing


If you have pets, children, or any other individuals who may be prone to putting their hands and/or feet in dirty areas, it is important to clean carpets regularly. There are several different ways to do this, but the simplest way is to use a mop. Wet the area and start scrubbing with the mop head. Use plenty of water and move the mop back and forth across the surface. Be sure to work around all edges and corners.


Pour white vinegar over the area to neutralize any stains


If you have pets or children, you know that spills and accidents happen. Carpet cleaning is a necessary evil, but it’s also important to keep your carpet clean after the professional cleaners leave. Vinegar can be a great way to neutralize any accidental stains and keep your carpets looking their best. Here are four tips for using vinegar to clean carpets:


Pour white vinegar over the area to be cleaned, working it into the fabric with a brush or cloth. Let the vinegar sit for about 10 minutes, then rinse off the area with water.


If there are any tough stains or areas that won’t absorb liquids well, use a mixture of white vinegar and water in order to break down the substance and make it easier to remove. Be sure not to apply too much pressure when scrubbing; just use gentle strokes until the stain is gone.


For heavily soiled areas, mix one part white vinegar with two parts water and spray directly on the stain. Use a scrub brush to work the acid into the fabric until the stain is gone. Be sure not to get any of it on your skin!


To dry carpets quickly, place them on a low heat setting inside a dryer for 15-20 minutes.


Wipe down the area with a clean cloth


Carpet cleaning is a great way to get your home looking and smelling fresh, but there are a few things you can do to keep it looking its best after the professional Carpet Cleaning Sutton leave. One of the most important things you can do is to wipe down any areas that are particularly dirty or dusty after they have finished work. This will help to remove any residual dirt, dust, or stains from the carpet and keep it looking clean and fresh.