Tools and Resources For Successful Skip Tracing Campaigns

Investors and Wholesalers underestimated Skip Tracing but were surprised when they got quick results with lower investment because Skip Tracing is cheaper than others. You get quality leads from agencies for a few cents. Those leads are of the homeowners having distressed properties. Testing the luck in Skip Tracing is recommended because you haven’t invested thousands of dollars. Skip Tracing is not underestimated after 2021 because Investors and Wholesalers got excellent results with this.

Investors and Wholesalers who have newly entered this market have no idea about Skip Tracing. This article is for them. We’d help the newbie Investors and Wholesalers understand Skip Tracing. Skip Tracing is only done with the right tools and resources. You must know the right tools first and then step into this business. This article will discuss the right tools and resources for successful Skip Tracing campaigns.

What Makes a Skip Tracing Campaign Successful?

You can never earn success in Skip Tracing after purchasing 3000 leads from any agency. Your success depends on the conversions you get.

Suppose you are an Investor considering purchasing a property below the market’s value, repairing it, and selling it for profit. What would you do when you have got 3000 leads in your hands but got no conversion? Would you call this a successful campaign? I hope not. So that’s what we are trying to make you understand.

Skip Tracing campaign is only successful when you have got conversions through it. Some agencies provide low-quality leads in bulk at low prices, but others provide high-quality leads that are few in numbers but good in conversion. You would work with an agency that charges a bit more but ultimately delivers quality leads. For that, you must know about the agency you are working with. Your agency is the first tool or resource you must know about before entering this business.

The Top Tools and Resources For Successful Skip Tracing Campaigns?

We’ve given a great example to help you understand the process, but it is time to reveal the tools and resources you must use in your upcoming Skip Tracing campaigns.

Agency With Higher Ratings

The first tool to make your Skip Tracing campaign successful is an agency with higher ratings. Every agency delivers leads in Microsoft Excel and Google Spreadsheets. Having a spreadsheet packed with 3000 leads from any agency that provides low-quality leads is not a good sign, but getting 300 leads from any agency that always upholds quality is the best sign ever. Your campaign will succeed when you work with any agency with higher ratings.

We’ve one agency in mind that provides high-quality Skip Traced leads to Investors and Wholesalers. Its name is Lert Skip Tracing. You can check its reviews yourself, but that was our suggestion. You can check the ratings of other agencies and work with the one you like. We don’t force you to follow our suggestion. Do as you like.

Outreach Experts

The 2nd powerful tool or resource that makes your Skip Tracing campaign successful is the outreach team. You are given the names, addresses, phone numbers, and emails of the homeowners having distressed properties, but approaching them is still left. Skip Tracers give you the leads. They don’t guarantee conversions. Converting those emails into conversions is the art of your outreach expert in your team.

You must hire people in your team having good expertise in outreach. Your email will satisfy the homeowner. Writing powerful emails will force the homeowner to reply to your email because multiple people are approaching the same homeowner. A homeowner is tired of seeing the same email again and again. It depends on your outreach expert how well he convinces the homeowner through email or phone. No proper outreach expert in your team means no conversions at all.


Patience is the last tool in successful Skip Tracing campaigns because not every homeowner waits for you to show up. Some homeowners reply late, and some reply fast. Being patient in this entire process is recommended because you get slow replies too. You don’t have to send the email and wait for an answer in the next 5 minutes. Being patient is recommended.

Some homeowners reply quickly but don’t agree to sell their house to you. This thing also disappoints the Investors and Wholesalers who are in a hurry to quickly get a property below the market’s value. We’ve also seen some homeowners disagree with selling their house, but after a few days, they email you to sell that house. Again, patience is the key to success. You must be patient every time to be successful in Skip Tracing. Never expect a quick conversion until you get one. Being in a hurry is never recommended in Skip Tracing.

Final Words

These were the 3 Top Tools and Resources For Successful Skip Tracing Campaigns. I hope you have got a complete idea about successful campaigns. Comment in our website’s comments section if you have questions. We’d love to help you as we help our readers. You must motivate yourself to Skip Tracing if you are low on budget. The campaigns in Skip Tracing are started for a few hundred dollars.