Top 10 League of Legends Tips For Beginners In 2023

Whether you’re looking to raise your rank or improve specific champions, U7Buy offers tailored Elo boost to meet your unique goals! Starting your League of Legends journey in 2023 can be daunting. The game is surely not easy to get into at this point. The Champions list alone is overwhelming. We present you with a couple of tips that will make your starting experience smoother!

Get Familiar with the Roles

Jumping into a League of Legends match without knowing what’s expected from you is the worst. Your function in the team depends on the role of your Champion. The five roles are jungler, top lane, mid lane, attack damage carry, and support. Learn what is the job of each role and how you can accomplish that.

Check Out Different Champions

As of August 2023, the League of Legends Champions roster numbers 164 unique characters. Just read their description and pick the one that seems the most fun. Don’t be afraid to try new Champions. This goes hand in hand with the first tip. Playing different Champions will give you a better understanding of their roles.

Get Acquainted with the Hotkeys

Speed is of the essence in a League of Legends game. You don’t want to miss an opportunity because you didn’t know which key you had to press. The good news is that the main keys are standard for all Champions.

Primary character abilities: Q, W, E, R.

Item keys: 1-6.

Return to base: T.

Summoner spells: F, D.

Learn From Other Players

League of Legends has been around for quite a while. This means that there’s a plethora of guides on the internet. YouTube videos, Twitch streams, and other online resources will help you get better. Champion-specific guides are also available. A quick search is all that it takes to get more insight.

Get Familiar with the Map Objectives

Knowing the lay of the land will help you greatly. The main game mode, Summoner’s Rift, has three lanes. The space between them is called the jungle. Your starting position depends on your role. Players often use acronyms and slang you should learn.

Be a Team Player

League of Legends is a team-based game. Set your personal ambitions aside and have the big picture in mind when jumping into a match. Always remember that you must fulfill your role. Don’t go for kills when it is detrimental to your team’s success. Support your teammates at all times. Try to communicate with your party.

Don’t Push the Lane Too Much

You might be tempted to auto-attack the minion waves. Be careful when doing this because you might push the lane too much. This results in getting dangerously close to the adversary’s turret and becoming an easy target. Check out the mini-map frequently and be aware of your position at all times.

Play It Safe

Try to stay alive for as long as possible. That seems like a no-brainer and, sometimes, it might be out of your hands. What we mean is that don’t be overzealous. It’s better to play it safe. Remember that a dead Champion cannot contribute to their team’s success.


All Random All Mid is a simplified League of Legends mode. The map has only one lane making things considerably easier. You will be assigned a random Champion. Playing ARAM is a great way to learn the Champions’ abilities and play styles.

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