Top 7 Frugal Blogs To Follow To Save More And Spend Less In 2023


Are you looking for ways to save money? Then take a look at these top 7 frugal blogs. Start reading frugal blogs to save your money in a limited time. We have researched it to increase our savings. 

But the reality is different from the imagination. What we think does not happen generally. So, in this post, we will discuss the best frugal blogs that you can follow in 2023. 

What Are Frugal Blogs ?

Frugal blogs are nothing but writing pieces where the author discusses how to save money.  Many people think that being frugal spoils the enjoyment of life. But, the enjoyment lies where you spend money smartly. 

Without a plan, spending time or money is meaningless. However, if you follow this process, you will never save money though you will make a lot of money. 

So, someone asks what frugal living is. You say frugal living is all about spending money and living well to make life happy. 

7 Frugal Blogs To Save Money And Spend Less In 2023

If you want to adopt a frugal lifestyle, you need to take help.  Here is the list of the top 7 frugal blogs to follow. So, let’s learn how to save money and spend less. 

  • Frugal Rules

If you are worried about your debt and don’t understand how to invest money in intelligent ways, the frugal rule is one of the essential frugal living blogs. This blog site is run by financial expert John. 

You get help from each corner of the world. This blog contains everything that you need to know. Here are the few topics that have been covered in the Frugal rules.   

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  1. Mr. Money Moustache

It is another blog that offers you a dedicated app where you can understand the ways to save money. 40 retiree run who now plays a role as a writer in this frugal blog. This blog advises you to find a practical way to save money. 

Here are the topics you can explore here:

  • Frugality
  • Retirement advice
  • Saving
  • Money management and more. 
  • Cash Overflow

Do you want to develop your personal savings? You may not get the path on how to increase your personal savings. Cash overflow is one of the frugal blogs to follow that helps those who are serious about their savings. 

Pardeep Goyal is the owner of this frugal blog. He shares the most effective and unique ways to spend less pennies. The following topics are also covered here:

  • credit cards
  • money management. 
  • making money online.
  • And more. 
  1. The Frugal Girl

You will find a number of useful articles on this site. Frugal girl advises you on how to lead a minimalist and stress free lifestyle. Here, the Frugal girl is Kristen. She shares how to a frugal lifestyle without taking pressure. 

Here are a few financial management topics:

  • Repurposing ideas. 
  • Debt related topics. 
  • The inspiration for living simply.
  • Frugal living.
  • Coupons and discounts you can use to save money on shopping.
  • The inspiration for living simply. 
  • And, this list is endless. 

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  1. Living On A Dime

Are you struggling to get rid of your debt? Now, you need to educate yourself to handle this situation without allowing yourself to panic. 

Tawra is the owner of this blog. She advises practical ideas to get away from money debt. Here you will get incredible topics that are covered on a “living on a dime blog.”

  • Frugal living lifestyle
  • Credit cards
  • Coupons
  • Money management 
  • And the list goes on. 

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  1. Wise Bread

From personal finance to credit cards, Wise bread is all in one. You will manage money in a better way with the help of this blog site. 

This fugal blog site is maintained by the community blogger. Wise Bread covers multiple financial topics: 

  • Personal finance.
  • Frugal living.
  • Credit cards related information. 
  • The Penny Hoarder

It is the largest financial management website. It shares a ton of practical tips. This site has started its journey in 2017. 5000 articles already ranked. 

This company is the fastest growing private media company in the U.S.A. key Taylor is the entrepreneur. You will get highly practical tips and guidelines. The following are a few excellent topics: 

  • Food. 
  • Make money. 
  • Life and savings.
  • Deals to save more money. 

Wrap Up

At the end of this article, we would say that if you dedicatedly follow these frugal blogs, you will get successful. There are many people who get benefits by following these sites. 

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