Top Most 5 Treanding Gemstone Rings

gemstone rings

Larimar Ring

Larimar is picked for bringing the calming energies of the Caribbean Sea. This crystal exclusively comes from the Dominican Republic, as it is the only place to find these beautiful blue color stones with pectolite minerals. It even has traces of copper and iron in it, which is actually the reason behind its bluish-green color. The Larimar ring enhances the glow of women, changing their overall personalities. Furthermore, this ring can be worn at business events and workplaces every day. It has the ability to make wise decisions in personal and professional life, with all the calmness and patience. You can check out the website, Rananjay Exports for the best collection of larimar.

Turquoise Ring

Turquoise is the most popular gemstone worn for bringing the energies of success and prosperity. Many legends have worn this crystal all their life, in the belief that this crystal is the reason for their growth. It is primarily worn in the form of a ring, bracelet, or pendant when worn to take advantage of its healing energies. Moreover, many people wear this crystal for making fashion statements, as many celebrities have worn it at many award functions. In addition, this gemstone enriches communication ability, which gives the wearer confidence to speak openly with their hearts. So, if you want to purchase the Turquoise ring, pendant, or any other jewelry, then check out the website Rananjay Exports.

Moonstone Ring

Moonstone is one of the most attractive gemstone jewelry found in the beautiful hues of blue, pink, white, multi-color, colorless, and more. The Moonstone ring speaks about the wearer, enhancing the aura of the women. The best Moonstone comes from India and Sri Lanka, which is then cut, polished, and set into sterling silver metal, creating beautiful jewelry pieces which are cherished forever. This stone belongs to the feldspar mineral family and rates between 5 to 6 on the Mohs scale hardness. Moreover, this crystal enhances the innovative skills in the person and helps reduce the problems related to health and wealth. For buying the beautiful Moonstone ring, check out the website, Rananjay Exports and buy your favorite collection.

Opal Ring

Opal is an elegant piece of jewelry that can be worn on special occasions as well as for daily purposes. The crystal comes in various hues like pink, blue, orange, yellow, white, multi-color, and even colorless. The high-quality opals are fetched from Ethiopia, whereas Australia supplies the opal in the most significant quantity across the world. This is because opals are the national gemstones of Australia, with more than 95% supply to the world. Furthermore, the opal ring is significantly used as an engagement gift in many European countries, as it is believed that this crystal has the ability to bring love energies, which will create a strong between the couple. Not only this, but this crystal will remove all the negative energies from life and allow the person to live happily and peacefully. In addition, you can check out Rananjay Exports; they are the best wholesaler of Opal gemstone jewelry.

Moldavite Ring

Moldavite is an excellent gemstone ring worn to bring transformative energies in life. It ranges in the hues of dark green to light green with the reddish-brown bubbles on the surface. The Moldavite ring is in high demand for its rarity because it is only found in the Czech Republic in the whole world. These stones are formed due to the impact of the comets and the meteoroids that happened around 14.8 million years ago. And these crystals have the energies of the moon and the stars, which helps the person to grow in their respective field, especially helping in expanding the business. In addition, meditating with these crystals, wearing them in the form of a ring, or even holding the stone in hand can help to attain the higher spiritual energies of another world. So, explore the Rananjay Exports website to buy high-quality gemstone jewelry.