Understand your horoscope with our expert analysis


Kundli Analysis

Understand your future by Kundli Analysis. What is your future? This is something everyone would like to know. Your horoscope from an astrology expert like Acharya Indu Prakash Ji can help you find out how the stars and planetary movements will affect your immediate future.

Considered the world’s best astrologer, Acharya Indu Prakash Ji offers the most authentic and reliable Daily Horoscope, Horoscope, Horoscope Matching, Online Horoscope, Birth Horoscope.

Based on the position of prominent stars, planets, sun and moon at the time of your birth, a Vedic birth chart (kundli) is created. When a child is born, parents keep a record of the day, time and place of birth. These details are used to create his/her Kundli analysis, which is then used to predict his/her birth horoscope.

According to astrology, your horoscope is the blueprint of your life. Horoscopes can be used to predict various aspects of life including career, health, marriage, foreign visits etc. Accurate and reliable horoscope reading by world’s best astrologer Acharya Indu Prakash Ji will help you gain valuable insights about various aspects of your life.

After consulting him during a horoscope reading. It will be easier to find out the underlying problems or obstacles in your life and then you can look for astrological means to change your life for the better. You can also ask for online horoscope analysis but personal horoscope reading is always more beneficial. You may be born with some troubling planetary alignment that may adversely affect your life. Sitting face to face with an astrologer allows you to immediately get the right guidance to solve the major problems of your life.

Consult the world’s best astrologer Acharya Indu Prakash Ji to know your horoscope and how to deal with the problems associated with your birth chart.

Astrology is a science that connects events on Earth with the evolution of celestial bodies. Like the Sun, Moon, stars and other planets. So places of stars, places of celestial bodies help to understand Dasha predictions, subtle sati sati, nakshatra phal, impact of planets and varshphal together given by Kundli analysis. Each of these expectations begins with your introduction to astrology.

Kundli Analysis in Indian Astrology by Date of Birth

An individual’s Indian Astrology Date of Birth and Time Future Prediction encapsulates a lot about his/her nature, trademark and identity. In astrology , accurate predictions of anyone’s life can be defined using their dates. You will consistently demand it. Date of birth is used by Jyotishi for Naam-Karan considering the places of stars and planets. As in an individual’s individual birth time. Date of birth also with place and time of birth. When you join, give us the Kundli analysis (Natal Chart) of the individual.

Accurate life predictions through Kundli Analysis by date of birth

Compiling a horoscope requires a person’s date of birth, time and place, created using data. For example Date of birth, place of birth and time of birth. These are the things necessary for forecasting. Otherwise, if you have no data from them, Prashna Kundali Analysis helps in predicting the future.

Future horoscope predictions by Indian astrology are made keeping in mind various components. Here are some predictions that give a comprehensive picture of a person’s life:

Future horoscope in kundli analysis by date of birth

Dasha’s forecast

The length of time, or “Dasa Period”, of how the brilliant bodies are transmitting. How they affect you relative to their positions and these time frames. The response they have to your life. The bearings you will undoubtedly be thrust upon you in Dasha Predictions depend on the observation of the Birthdate crystal. These things are possible only through Indian astrology. If you want your Dasha prediction.

Details of Sade Sati

Sade Sati of Shani (planet Saturn) or “seven and a half years’ ‘ period. What happens three times during the average lifespan of an individual is generally consider to be pivotal. Enumerative examination of the consequences of this ‘sade sati’. It’s an impartial and endless phase. Like the age-old medicines of the Vedas to remove the negative impact. This is give depending on the subtleties of birth give in the Date of Birth.

Nakshatra Phal in Kundli Analysis

This report acknowledges fascinating certainties about you, your disposition, behavior, characteristics and identity. Your ideal and negative points of view, your quality and flaws, and a host of other valuable and interesting individual data will encourage you to be always satisfy with the right choice and decisions in your lives. and gradually lead a profitable and prosperous life.

Varshphal in kundli analysis

Varshphal or Vedic Annual Crystal Gazing or Annual Horoscope is one of the many renditions of Vedas that depend on Indian astrology and require your date of birth. Online practice understanding the events of future opportunities. It is more and more prevalent in North India but is polished everywhere. A year unfolds when the sun returns to an unrecognizable sign and degree from its characteristic position. Birth Horoscope or what we call Kundli analysis is the cast for an individual’s birth period. Anyway, Varshphal is based on the sun, ie it is the situation of the sun that has a general meaning.

Indian horoscope by date of birth

Influence of Planets: Concept of planetary tendencies in your horoscope, position and influence of different planets. Their great and malefic, great and terrible, positive and negative implications for different areas of your life. This area of ​​birth crystal gazing includes expectations for the future and details the direction the stars will take you. How the planets influence you and your choices every second of your life.

It is Vedic astrology as well as the prominent western astrology today that depends on birth date astrology. This branch depends on the folk Sun – sign.

With regard to the date of birth, Western astrology characterizes the 12 zodiac signs, each of which speaks in a certain time frame in the annual schedule that forms these 12 classes of the zodiac signs.

Understand your Kundli Analysis by your Zodiac Sign

Let us know how to recognize a zodiac sign by name. You need to check the first letter of the name in the table below and here you need to know your Rashi. Find out what your zodiac sign is from the first letter of your name.

Aries zodiac sign

Aries: The first letter of each person’s name starts with Chu, Che, Cho, La, Li, Lu, Le, Lo, A, then their zodiac sign is Aries and their zodiac symbol is the sheep.

Zodiac sign Taurus

Taurus: If the first letter of any person’s name starts with O, Va, V, E, U, A, Wu, Ve or Wo, then their zodiac sign is Taurus and Taurus sign is bull.

Gemini zodiac sign

Gemini: Every person’s name starts with the letters Ka, Ki, Ku, D, N, Ch, K, Ko and H, then their zodiac sign is Gemini and the Gemini sign is a male and female pair.

Cancer zodiac sign

Cancer: If a person’s name begins with the letters Hi, Hu, He, Ho, Da, D, Du, De or Do, then their zodiac sign is Cancer and their sign is like a crab.

Leo zodiac sign

Leo: Any person’s name starts with Ma, Me, Moo, Me, Mo, Ta, Tee, To, Te, then their zodiac sign is Leo and their symbol is Leo.

Virgo zodiac sign

Virgo: Every person’s name starts with Dho, P, P, Poo, Sh, N, Tha, Pe, Po, then their zodiac sign is Virgo and their symbol is a girl sitting on a boat.

Libra zodiac sign

Libra: Every person’s name starts with Ra, Ri, Ru, Re, Ro, Ta, Ti, Tu, Te, their zodiac sign is Libra, and their symbol is a man holding scales.

Zodiac sign Scorpio

Scorpio: If any person’s name starts with the letters To, Na, Ni, Nu, Ne, Ne, Ya, Yee, U, then their zodiac sign is Scorpio and their symbol is Scorpio.

Zodiac sign Sagittarius

Sagittarius: Every person’s name starts with the letters Ya, Yo, Bha, Bhi, Bhu, Dha, Fa, Dha, Bhe, then their zodiac sign is Sagittarius, their symbol is a man with a bow and along with There is a horse.

Capricorn zodiac sign

Capricorn: If someone’s name begins with the letters Bho, Ja, Ji, Khi, Khu, Khe, Kho, Ga and Gi, their zodiac sign is Capricorn and their symbol is an antelope or deer.

Aquarius sign

Aquarius: If a person’s name starts with Gu, Gay, Go, S, Si, Su, Se, So, The, their zodiac sign is Aquarius. Her symbol is a man with a vase.

Pisces sign

Pisces: If any person’s name starts with Di, Du, Tha, Jha, De, Do, Cha, Chi, then their zodiac sign is Pisces and their symbol is two fish.

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