Using Real-Time Sentiment Analysis for Live Social Feed

real time sentiment analysis

Organizations employ real-time sentiment analysis as a necessary artificial intelligence-driven procedure for live brand market research and customer experience analysis. 

This article explains real-time sentiment analysis and identifies the qualities of a truly outstanding live social feed analysis application.

What Is Real-Time Sentiment Analysis?

A machine learning (ML) technique called real-time sentiment analysis detects and automatically extracts the sentiment in a text anytime it appears. There are different ways in which businesses can leverage sentiment analysis. It is mostly employed in the analysis of brand and product mentions in real-time social media comments and postings.

It’s vital to remember that only social media networks like Twitter that publish live feeds allow for real-time sentiment research. Real-time sentiment analysis processes capture opinions about brand experiences in live feeds and extract business insight from them using a variety of ML tasks, including natural language processing, text analysis, semantic clustering, etc.

Why Do We Need Real-Time Sentiment Analysis?

Real-time sentiment analysis has various applications for brand and customer analysis. These include-

  1. Live social feeds from video platforms like Facebook or Instagram 
  2. Real-time sentiment analysis of text feeds such as Twitter. This is particularly useful in promptly addressing negative or wrongful social mentions and threat detection in cyberbullying.
  3. Live monitoring of Influencer live streams.
  4. Live to monitor product review platforms for brand mentions.
  5. Up-to-date scanning of news websites for appropriate news through hashtags and keywords along with the sentiment in the news.
  6. Live video streams of news broadcasts, seminars, interviews, panel discussions, speaker events, and lectures.
  7. Live audio streams, such as virtual meetings on Zoom or Skype or product support call centers for customer feedback analysis.

How Is Real-Time Sentiment Analysis Done?

Machine learning algorithms trained to recognize and analyze various data kinds from many data sources across different languages are used for live sentiment analysis.

A platform for real-time sentiment analysis must first be trained on a data set specific to your industry and requirements. After doing this, the platform easily performs live sentiment analysis of real-time feeds.

Step 1 

Data collection

We must first add live APIs of those platforms, such as Instagram or Facebook, to glean sentiment from real-time social media or other internet source feeds. Repeated, time-bound data pull requests are made when a platform or online situation, such as Skype or Zoom, lacks a live API. This enables the solution to monitor appropriate data according to your predetermined criteria continuously.

Step 2

Data processing 

All the information gathered from the various platforms is being examined. The following stage involves cleaning and processing all text data from comments. Transcripts of every non-text piece of information from live video or audio sources are also fed to the text pipeline. In this instance, the platform converts the audio and audio in the video data to text using speech-to-text software before extracting semantic insights.

Each word in this transcript has a timestamp, and each part is indexed based on pauses or changes in the speaker. This granular analysis of the audio content provides the solution with sufficient context to recognize entities, themes, and subjects per your criteria.

Step 3

Analyzing the data

Now, aspect-based sentiment analysis, semantic clustering, and native natural language processing (NLP) are all used to analyze the data. The software calculates the sentiment score for each aspect and theme it determines from the live feed. It can also research audience thoughts based on demographics, an overall sentiment score in percentile form, and sentiment information based on language and data sources. 

Step 4

Data visualization

On a reporting dashboard, all the intelligence obtained from the real-time sentiment analysis in step 3 is now displayed in the form of statistics, graphs, and other visual components. You may also establish brand mentions and keyword alerts in live feeds from this sentiment analysis dashboard.

Most Significant Features Of A Real-Time Sentiment Analysis

A live feed sentiment analysis platform must have specific features to extract and define real-time insights. These are:

  • Multiplatform

The ability of a real-time sentiment analysis tool to evaluate many social media sites is one of its most crucial aspects. To provide you with correct insights from real-time data, the tool must be able to handle API calls from a variety of platforms, each of which has its own set of rules and configurations.

This enables you to determine if you want to use many channels for live feed analysis, such as Twitter, a live seminar, and a Ted talk, or just one platform, like live YouTube video analysis.

  • Multilingual

A multilingual capability is an additional significant feature. To accomplish this, the platform must have part-of-speech taggers for each language it analyzes. Machine translations can lose semantics and nuance when translating non-Germanic languages like Korean, Chinese, or Arabic into English. This may cause live conversations to yield erroneous insights.

  • Multimedia

The solution must be multi-platform and can process various data types, including text, audio, and video. Regardless of the data format, it enables you to quickly uncover brand and customer sentiment through real-time Instagram social listening, live TikTok social listening, or live Twitter feed analysis.

  • Web scraping

A real-time sentiment analysis tool can scrap data to provide deeper qualitative insights. For example, metrics from a social media platform can give numerical data such as the number of followers, posts, likes, dislikes, etc. The web scraper in the tool automatically extracts information from the social media platform from which you wish to derive sentiment. 

It achieves this by making HTTP requests to the many web pages it has to target to obtain the required data, downloading those pages, and then getting them ready for analysis. It applies different ML tasks, including sentiment analysis, semantic categorization, and NLP, to the saved data after parsing it. Additionally, it provides you with customer insights that go beyond the desired numerical metrics.

  • Alerts

As it repeatedly scans for brand mentions, keywords, and hashtags, the sentiment analysis tool for live feeds must be able to track and streamline vast data sets. Finally, on numerous channels, you get live updates from these repeated scans based on remarks, posts, and audio content. This tool allows you to establish notifications for specific keywords or an increase in your mentions. These notifications are available through email or on your mobile device.

  • Reporting

The reporting dashboard is another crucial component of real-time sentiment analysis software. To provide you with the understanding you need in a way that is simple to understand, and you need the insights visualization dashboard. For example, you may quickly evaluate sentiment in themes, attributes, and the overall brand using color-coded pie charts, word clouds, bar graphs, and other forms that also provide metrics in percentile form.


Real-time sentiment analysis can be tailored to your company’s requirements. For example, because your market research can be based on elements like product names, competitors, consumer demographics, etc., that are important to you and your industry, it results in more accurate and relevant outputs. 

The system also enables 24-hour repeat scans for hashtags or keywords across all platforms and the generation of warnings based on various triggers. Depending on your demands, this frequency can be increased as necessary. Once trained, the model continues to improve over time as it processes more data, providing an ever-increasing return on investment.