Waiter salary: what a waiter or waitress earns

Waiter salary: what a waiter or waitress earns

Waiter salary: what a waiter or waitress earns

BARTENDING COURSE. BAR AND CAFETERIA SERVICESIt is one of the most common professions and also one of the most in demand. Whether it is a temporary or permanent job, it is usually one of the first jobs that many people access in Spain: there is a bar in our country for every   132 inhabitants, and this means that in restaurants it is one of the most people in need. We tell you the keys to the salary of a waiter per month and what to do to improve it. Take note.

What is the salary of a waiter?

The average of what waiter in Spain earns around 1,500 euros gross per month, according to data collected by Talent. Translating it into annual terms, close to 19,000 euros gross per year and 9 euros per hour, although it can be much more or less depending on experience, geographic area, type of establishment, or whether it is night or day.

How much a waiter earns per month can vary between 1,300 and 1,600 full-time, but many factors play a role.

In any case, to find out the salary of a waiter, or for any sector, it is recommended that you go to the applicable agreement. In addition to payroll, working hours, bonuses or breaks are other pieces of information that you should keep in mind in your job search. How Much Do Bartenders Make?

What guides the collective agreement

The unions are the ones that establish a collective agreement, negotiating the conditions that must be respected in the different sectors, including salary. For waiters, the state collective agreement for the collective catering labor sector was extended for the years 2022-2024, with special emphasis on the amount to be charged and taking into account the increases in the CPI and respecting a proportionality between the standard of living of the different Autonomous Communities and provinces.

  • Salary review. Given the increases in the Minimum Interprofessional Salary from 2021 to 2022, the salary increased by 3%, by 2023 it will increase by 2.5%, and by 2024 another 2.5%, which will undoubtedly affect the salary of a waiter per month.
  • Base salary. The base salary item for a full-time waiter starts at 1,030 euros gross per month, a sum to which other supplements are added later.
  • Accessories. There are as many specifications as there are provinces, so it is recommended that when reviewing the document you focus on the one you are going to practice. In any case, an extension of the working day, overtime, seniority, maintenance, and cleaning of the premises or night shifts are just a sample of all of them and without a doubt, they raise the salary substantially.
  • Workday. Breaks and hours are also regulated in the agreement. This is what the document says: the maximum annual effective working day during the term of the agreement will be 1800 effective working hours per year. In weekly terms: it will be an average of 40 hours of effective full-time work.
  • Rest time: The minimum rest time in split shifts will be two hours unless otherwise agreed. The day can only be divided into two sections, between sections the minimum time, in general, will be two hours and the maximum four hours. When the daily shift is equal to or greater than six hours, workers will be entitled to a fifteen-minute break within the shift, which will be considered effective working time.

Factors that influence how much you will earn as a waiter

The salary of a waiter can vary greatly depending on different factors, such as the turnover of the premises, the type of business (if it is a family bar, a cocktail bar, a select restaurant, or a franchise…), and also the geographical location of that business. We go into detail below.

  • The experience: If you are going to be a waiter for the first time, you will start earning a minimum salary, around 1,000-1,100 euros for 40 hours a week, to which you must add overtime and possible tips. If you already have more experience, between 3 or 5 years, your salary will be close to 1,600 euros.
  • The geographical area. By geographical location, in the north, the Basque Country, Navarra, and also Madrid, the hour is around €8 or €9 on average. However, in Andalusia, Galicia or Valencia the Minimum Interprofessional Salary for a waiter can be around €7 or €8, according to union data. You should bear in mind that it is not the same to work in a bar in any city as in one in a tourist area where working hours and the volume of customers can be much higher.
  • The working conditions. It is another point that can increase your salary. For example, working on a terrace during the day is not the same as working until the wee hours of the morning in a nightclub. Waiters who work at night and/or during the weekend must have a night/holiday bonus in addition to the base salary.


Factors to improve your salary as a waiter

The waiter is a profession that requires good communication skills and dealing with the public, even a certain vocation. There are some factors that will help you carry out your profession with a better attitude and that will affect your salary.

  • Positive attitude. It is important to demonstrate that you are a professional with a desire to learn, customer-oriented, and happy to perform customer service tasks. Creating a good customer experience is essential, so we also advise you to introduce yourself and keep a close tone as well as be grateful.
  • Knowledge of languages. This factor is decisive, especially if you are going to work in tourist catering establishments or are more oriented toward foreign clients. Speaking fluently in their language can improve treatment and incidentally guarantee you better tips as a complement to your salary.
  • speed and efficiency. One of the factors that the client of a bar or restaurant values ​​​​the most is the speed of being served. For this reason, it is important that you adopt some routines so that the service is more fluid, such as learning the menu well, knowing possible allergies, or paying directly at the table. Your hands should always be busy when you go from the kitchen to the dining room.

If you work or are going to work as a waiter, you will already have a clearer idea of ​​​​what your salary is like and what you must do to improve it. At Campus Training, we help you achieve your goal with specific training both in Spain and abroad. best hunting