Way to Prevent an Infestation at Your Home

best residential inspector in Methuen

The Best Way to Prevent an Infestation at Your Home From Culminating into an Infestation

If you have discovered termite tubes in your house, it definitely is terrible news! These brown mud tunnels are a sure-shot sign of termite activity nearby in your home.

A termite tube is a long, thin tube that termites use to transport food back and forth from their nest. These air spaces make the termite tube environment optimal for termites to thrive and build colonies. And help keep it safe from predators. So now that you have these uninvited guests over at your place, it’s time you know a little more about them, especially why you shouldn’t take them lightly.

What are termites?

Termites are a type of social insect found in temperate and tropical regions all over the US and the world. They are mostly found living in the ground, but they can also be found in trees and invading buildings and homes. Termites build nests out of mud and wood bits. These social insects live in colonies divided into sterile workers, reproductive females, and male soldiers. Termites are one of the most destructive insects in the world. They cause billions of dollars worth of damage to homes and destroy crops. They eat books, structures, furniture, wires, etc. Yet, they go unnoticed for long because they are small and blend in with their surroundings. Termites consume wood by eating through it and digesting it into nutrients like cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, and proteins used for their own growth. Termites can be found anywhere, but they mostly come from a moist environment like wooden enclosed spaces or basements or attics. Their nests can be found in these places, so it’s essential to keep your home clean and dry to prevent termite infestation.

How to Identify a Termite Tube in Your Home

Termite tubes may seem harmless, but they threaten your home. If they grow too large or you start noticing that there are more than one or two of them around your home, you should call for professional help. So how do you know if what you just discovered is a termite tube or an ant shelter? Termite tubes look similar to mud tunnels, whereas ant shelters can be detected with their similarity to small grainy mud hills or piles. Termite tubes are as long as 1 meter and 1/4 inch in diameter. They also have a small hole at the end where termites can move through.

Mud tubes are created by termites to protect them from predators and other threats. The tube is made of a mixture of saliva, soil, and water that hardens over time to create a tough barrier for the insects.

These tubes are found on walls or sideboards, and if there was a recent infestation, the tube would still be slightly moist and crumbly if you break it open from the top. Termites make these tunnels wherever they feel like because they do not have any specific structure or pattern for this structure, but moist, dark spaces with poor ventilation are more prone to termite infestations.

Termites consume wood by eating through it and digesting it into nutrients like cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, and proteins used for their own growth.

Dark Wall Stains

Termites build nests in walls to avoid direct sunlight. They fill their nests with wet mud that seeps through plastic, and stain appears on the wall. When this happens, the plaster becomes soft, and you can usually push your finger right through it into the nest on the other side.

Leftover Wings

If you notice transparent brown wings near window sills or openings, it is a clear sign of termite presence. Once developed and ready to mate, termites fly and leave behind these brown wings. However, leftover wings do not mean there are no termites left, and professional home inspectors in Methuen can come in and locate them for you.

Deteriorated Wood

Termites can damage certain materials, leaving behind signs of infestation. These signs can include softening or bubbling paint. Disintegrating skirting boards due to termite damage is an issue that is becoming more common in households. Termites often eat away at the wooden part of the skirting board and leave only the paint layer. Although it may look fine and intact, a quick bump with the vacuum cleaner will reveal it’s completely hollow.

Termite Sounds

Termites can be heard at night, usually when it’s very quiet, and everyone is in bed. Listening to termites is an indication that they are present. The sounds may seem similar to the sound you hear when you pour milk over rice bubbles.

Who to Call for Help If You Have A Termite Invasion?

Termites are not just a nuisance for homeowners but also for the environment because they destroy crops and eat away at the structures of trees. If you fear or are confirmed about termites in your house, then the next step should be to locate and eradicate them. Professional home inspectors in Methuen offer termite inspection services. Getting rid of termites is not as easy as one may think. Over-the-counter pest control sprays are not an answer since termites work under surfaces and are only caught mostly after a lot of damage has been done. To eliminate these pests, it is essential to eliminate them entirely. 

Professional residential inspectors have advanced devices to locate termite activity. An example is the infra-red technology thermal imaging camera. We all know thermal imaging cameras are used to detect moisture leaks. It detects termite activity; similarly, termites emit body heat and work as swarms. The heat change in the surrounding atmosphere helps locate active termite colonies, which may be embedded far beyond your reach under surface boards or behind walls. This is why it is essential to have the best residential inspector in Methuen come to perform a termite inspection for your home.