Ways to study without getting overwhelmed with homework

ways to study without getting overwhelmed with homework

Whether you are getting your degree from a college or studying at international schools in Malaysia, managing homework is challenging. It can often feel like a stack of stress. Stress can lead to anxiety and frustration, preventing you from attaining your best. However, homework is necessary as it is a way for your teacher to evaluate your comprehension level of the study material. Though it can be overwhelming at times, you can use some methods to calm down and focus on your study.

Best Methods to Do your Homework

  • Develop a Homework Plan: Before starting your homework, ask your teacher about the lesson to grasp it fully. Take notes on your planner to remember it right. You should pay attention to your teacher and jot down ideas. It will help organize your thoughts while doing homework. You can start your homework during the study period or extra time on your school day. It would help if you didn’t leave it for the night. If you are in a secondary school in Kuala Lumpur, manage your time accordingly.
  • Find an Appropriate Environment to Study: While some prefer the quietness of a library, others are accustomed to studying in a noisy area. Whatever your preference is, you should have some things to let you focus better. Such as, you should find a flat surface without any clutter that can hold your laptop and study materials. It would be best to avoid your bed to study if you were comfortable. 
  • Tackle Your Homework Headfirst: You have the most of your mental capacity when you begin. Therefore, start with the most challenging material first. Then when you are tired, finish the easier stuff. If you get stuck on a problem, don’t waste too much time on it. Ask for help from your teachers from the international schools in Malaysia. Or you could get assistance from your parents, older siblings, or any of your classmates who are better at the subject. In the world of technology, even the internet can be a boon for your homework sometimes. The internet provides information, and knowledge is a result of toiling.
  • Utilize the Promodoro technique: You should use the Promodoro technique to manage your study time. The method is straightforward as you have to work on one problem at a time by setting a timer. And when it rings, you should stop and take a break. Though you can decide the time frame, the Promodoro technique requires you to take twenty-five minutes on a single task. It has to be uninterrupted. You can take a three to five minutes break when the timer rings. You have to complete the cycle three more times before taking an extended break of half an hour. The procedure keeps you from burning out, and you will stay focused and motivated on your task.
  • Use your Breaktime Wisely: If you are in a secondary school in Kuala Lumpur,  you have to take free time to break the pressure of homework. However, don’t waste these study breaks on Facebook or emails or lie down on your bed. According to research, it significantly decreases your stress level if you are outside. Even five minutes in the open air will work like magic. You should find a green space around your locality and spend your break time there. You will feel a lot less overwhelmed and sharper. 
  • Take some Deserved Snacktime: Studies show that some food can relieve your anxiety and stress. Instead of munching on high-calorie drinks and snacks, you should destress by having some nutritious food like Pistachio, dark chocolate, and Blueberries. But remember to eat in moderate quantity as eating in large proportions can make you feel lethargic. You can also drink green or black tea after a stressful study session. 

Whether you are at international schools in Malaysia or any school, college, or university, homework can take its toll. So, when you feel under constant pressure, you should talk to your peers. You will feel better just by knowing that they are going through the same things. Above all, take care of yourself. Sleep, eat and exercise regularly to improve your studies and life.
