Wedding witnesses: Your Speech for the Big Day

Wedding witnesses: Your Speech for the Big Day

The witness is a person chosen by the groom or the bride to accompany them to D-Day and certify their love. This is someone very close to the bride and groom and it is therefore common for him to speak during the reception.

You are not a guest like the others. Beyond having to choose your evening dress or your wedding suit like everyone else to live up to the event to which you are invited, you must also prepare to fulfill a very specific function: that of a witness! And who says witness often says wedding speech. If you’re not sure where to start, here are some tips to help you write a few words for the bride and groom.


Identity of the witness

The role of the witness should not be taken lightly. Indeed, your friends trust you and offer you a place of choice in their wedding ceremony. They are counting on you to be a support at all times and to show their desire to live and build together. Get also in touch with any best wedding planners near me in Maryland, the United States.

The witness is part of the close entourage of the bride and groom. It can be a brother, a sister, a best friend, or even a cousin.

The speech of the wedding witness will therefore necessarily be personal and will evoke events and character traits linked to the groom or the bride. Take advantage of this proximity to the protagonists of the big day to write a text that will touch your loved ones in the heart.


The structure of speech

Start by introducing yourself! Not all the guests know you and this will give you the opportunity to recall your ties with the bride or groom.

Follow up with a fun little anecdote about your friend to make the guests laugh and lighten the mood. A humorous wedding speech is always appreciated but remember to balance laughter and emotion.

Continue by evoking more personal memories, qualities of the groom or the bride, positive character traits of this person, explain what makes him so important in your life.

You can of course slip in a few jokes to your friend’s attention to teasing him/her, but never fall into vulgarity or embarrassing anecdotes. The bride and groom must have a good time!

Don’t forget to say a few words to the member of the couple you are not witnessing. Compliment them, such as saying that you trust them with your brother/sister/cousin/friend. Take the opportunity to talk about the couple and what makes them go so well together for you.

End your speech by congratulating the newlyweds on their union and wishing them much happiness for their new life.

If you’re struggling to find the inspiration you need to write a speech, lean on a few love quotes to back up your point. Whether you choose a text or a poem, keep it brief so as not to bore the audience.

Of course, this is just one example of a wedding speech. You are free to modify this structure and arrange the text as you wish. Or you can also get help from any event planners near me to get the job done.


The speech protocols

To help you in your writing, calculate the duration of your speech. Don’t be too quick or too long. In the first case, one would think that you care little about this event, in the second that you want to draw attention to yourself! A good speech time is between 2 and 4 minutes. You will not be the only one to speak that day and the guests may become impatient with a succession of lengthy speeches.

The speech of the witness generally takes place following that of the parents and siblings. The easiest way is to contact them before D-Day to agree on the running order.

Do not hesitate to keep a written version of the speech with you in case of nervousness or memory lapse, although it is good to repeat it and even to know it by heart.

We hope that these few recommendations will help you find your own wedding speech ideas so that the text you say on D-Day is representative of the person you will be celebrating on this beautiful day. Easy for a brother’s wedding speech, more complicated for someone further away, but you will always find examples and good ideas to amaze the bride and groom with your pen.

Once your speech is ready, you can go to this big event with complete peace of mind… unless you are also in charge of preparing some wedding games to surprise the bride and groom even more? If you want to do them a favor to the end, give the groom some tips so that he can easily find a beautiful, inexpensive wedding suit and inform his other half about the prices of wedding dresses. It is in the greatest moments of stress that they will both need you!