What are the benefits of blended learning?

The onset of the pandemic has shocked many of us. The educational field took a significant hit, with all the schools closing down to keep the students safe from the spread of the virus. However, this gave rise to a whole new era of communication and education. With the help of various internet-based communication platforms, most international schools like Abu Dhabi schools have taken education to a different level. Educational boards strived to ensure that studies did not suffer due to the pandemic and made all the study material available online through classes via webinars, virtual classrooms, and videos.

Virtual classes have proven convenient for both teachers and students worldwide; hence blended learning stands as the new future of education. Before we understand its benefits, we must know the meaning of blended learning. Here in this article, we will talk about blended learning and things you need to know about it.

Understanding blended learning

Blended learning, also known as ‘hybrid learning,’ is a mix of online and class-based learning. The latest observations prove that students and teachers feel positive about blended learning. The way blended learning is incorporated into one’s education depends on the school and the students’ level of education. Since blended learning requires students to spend time on the internet, it is feasible to implement it for students in higher grades. However, students from lower grades like the nursery and kindergarten can also opt for blended learning but under the supervision of parents.

Most common types of blended learning

Face-to-face, blended learning

As the name suggests, students spend most of their time learning online via webinars or virtual classrooms. The teachers are present on the other side, virtually providing lectures, and students are required to attend these online classes regularly at all times. Due to the increased number of students present in one category, face-to-face, blended learning requires a limited number of students, and hence online courses are carried out in batches.

Enriched virtual

Students study online and remotely using the given study material. This blended learning is convenient as students can learn at their own pace and chosen time. However, students must be self-motivated to carry out enriched virtual education. Only those who are self-motivated can show better results in their academics.

Flipped blended learning

Here, the study material is given to the students in advance, and students are required to study at their convenience. The study materials are provided via online sources like email, Pen drive, YouTube links, etc. Irrespective of how and when the students study, they have to submit the course details or complete projects on their assigned dates.

Key benefits of blended learning

  1. Convenience

Students often cannot spend enough time accomplishing activities to improve their overall personality because they are busy studying. With the introduction of blended learning, students can spend equal time learning and performing other activities, including socializing. Convenience plays a vital role in blended learning, and hence it is proven to be effective amongst students.

  1. Flexibility

The advantage of blended learning is the flexibility of not being present physically at the school. It has benefited those from various geographical locations and those differentially abled. With the help of blended learning, students with challenges can complete their course by sitting in the comfort of their room.

  1. Personal attention from the faculty

Many students often complain of teachers not giving them the personal attention that affects their studying ability. With the introduction of blended learning, most Abu Dhabi secondary school classes are conducted batch-wise, and hence the faculty can concentrate on individual students, thereby clearing their doubts.

  1. It makes them more focused and responsible

Blended learning makes students more focused and responsible with their studies. Since blended learning involves much trust and freedom, students become more accountable for their studies.

Blended learning is the future of education. Children can learn from the global community through knowledge exchange and collaborative projects. The combination of technology and teachers’ skills is the best way to help students succeed in the technologically advanced 21st century.