What do you need to know about primary schools

If you are an expat, you probably do not know much about the education culture in Abu Dhabi. Additionally, new parents looking for a school for the first time lack information about what to look for in a school and how to find the best ones. Their struggle begins during admission time, when there are plenty of school options, making it challenging for them to decide. Especially if you are a parent looking for Abu Dhabi Indian School, you firstly need to know everything about the UAE education system.

Understand that primary school is a primary contributor to your child’s life. This phase prepares them for future challenges in their professional and personal life. Hence, it becomes more of a responsibility for every parent to select a school for their child. There are a few things that every parent should know about primary schooling that will help them make the right decision regarding choosing the school.

Things you need to know about a primary school in Abu Dhabi

Grades Covered

Under the Abu Dhabi education system, grades one to five get covered under primary school. Then, after completing the fifth grade, the student moves to the secondary level and keeps scaling up. So, if your child is not yet eligible for the first standard, you should look for a preschool or kindergarten.

Right Age 

The right age for a child to start primary schooling in Abu Dhabi is six years. However, the government emphasizes every child gets admitted to the school on turning six as delays can affect your child’s learning curve. Moreover, even if you pre-pone the admission process, it will not give any benefit. So, you should ensure that your child is exactly six when he enters the first grade in his school.

Curriculum Options

In a public school in Abu Dhabi, the students learn basic subjects just like any other student in other parts of the world. They learn mathematics, English, science, social studies, and the Islamic and Arabic languages. However, if you choose a better Abu Dhabi Indian School, expect to expose your child to better opportunities and upgraded coursework. In addition, they will learn Hindi and other foreign languages of their choice that will help them stay connected to their roots and become aware of the international cultures and communities.

School Availability

Once you begin looking for a primary school in Abu Dhabi, you will not experience any shortage in options. There are plethoras of public and private schools, fitting every budget and catering to all kinds of requirements of parents. So, it is convenient for you to choose a school that would help you build a promising future for your child and teach them the values that help them thrive in this competitive world.

Knowing these details, it gets convenient for you to filter the available options and decide the school that can cater to your requirements. It would help if you put a lot of time and effort into choosing the right school, so make sure you start well before admission to avoid making impulsive decisions. Moreover, educate yourself by gathering as much information as possible to avoid regretting your decision in the future.