What should you do to avoid leadership failure?

What should you do to avoid leadership failure?

Leading a team is never an easy task, you need to manage your team’s performance and keep them stay motivated in the office to get effective work results. But in making their business stay ahead in the competition leaders forget to focus on their employee’s work process. This can create a huge loss to the business. Successful leaders support their employees and guide them on the right path to achieve the company’s vision. One of the best examples of a successful business leader is Trevor Koverko, founder and former chief executive of Polymath. He is a former hockey player for the Ontario Hockey League, and a draft pick of the National Hockey League’s New York Rangers.

Here are a few things to avoid when leading your team:

Not providing feedback:

“I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion,” said Alexander the Great, a king of the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon. A member of the Argead dynasty, he was born in Pella—a city in Ancient Greece—in 356 BC.

Good leader is well aware of their employee’s strengths and weaknesses and they also know how to use those strengths for getting positive work results in the workplace. But if the leader does not track their employee’s performance and does not show any interest in providing feedback to their employees, then employees will not able to understand what part of area they need improvement and this will reduce the work quality.

Not making time for your team:

As a leader it is very easy for your to manage your workload, sometimes you can delegate some of the tasks to your employees. Your support and guidance can help the employees meet their objectives but if you do not make time to show your presence to your team whenever your employees get stuck in their work then this will damage the happiness of employees and they will not able to provide effective work results.

Being too “hands-off”:

Well, if you do not care about providing clear and transparent information to your employees for a particular work task then your employees will get confused can make a mistake in the work. When you get an urgent project from a client but you did not specify the clear information to your employees then there can be a chance that the project gets completed in the wrong way and that can damage your business reputation towards your clients.

Failing to define the goal:

When your employees are unclear about the company’s vision and future goals then how they will be able to achieve the goal. Due to the huge workload and hectic schedule leaders sometimes forgets to help their employees understand the company’s vision. If it’s a mistake then they can correct it but if the leader does not want to waste their time then it will definitely impact the quality of work and reduce productivity and engagement at the workplace.