What Should You Do With Your Moving Boxes?

packer & Mover

Once you’ve arrived at your new home, it’ll be time to start thinking about unpacking your belongings so you can move one step closer to your ultimate post-relocation goal: settling in without experiencing any signs of relocation depression.

Unpacking after a relocation is a crucial activity that should not be overlooked — living among mounds of unopened boxes will only makes things worse in the long term, extending the post-move adjustment period unnecessarily. So, based on all indications, you should roll up your sleeves and get to work unpacking.

Option 1: Simply KEEP your moving boxes.

Keep the best cartons in case you need them again. — After all, how do you know when you’ll need them again? All moving boxes that have sustained the house relocation without evident evidence of damage should be flattened and stored in a dry location. Keep the strongest and cleanest packing boxes on hand as well. That way, when another house move comes around in a few years, you won’t have to seek for inexpensive or free cardboard containers.

Option 2: Attempt to SELL your packing materials.

Even if the moving boxes are in fantastic condition, it’s unlikely that you’ll need to keep them all. As a result, one smart approach to get rid of the used moving boxes while still making money is to try to sell them to individuals who need them.

The goal of this option is to recoup part of the money you spent on some or all of the cardboard containers when you were packing your belongings for a move. In theory, it makes sense to try to sell your used moving boxes once you’ve completed your relocation.


It goes without saying that reselling your used boxes will take time and work – two things you’re unlikely to be prepared to give up straight after the relocation. Will the trouble of getting a few dollars back be worth it in the end? If you want to get rid of your unneeded used boxes quickly, the best option is to simply give them away to anyone who may use them at the time. After all, throwing away perfectly good packing materials is a horrible idea.

Option 4: RECYCLE your packing materials.

It’s unlikely that all of your packing boxes will survive the house transfer in excellent condition — some will be severely damaged, and they’ll only be used for recycling. Fortunately, cartons are one of the most easily recycled materials available. As a result, you have a variety of options for recycling moving boxes following the relocation.

Movers. Check to discover if your moving company in Mandurah provides the additional service of collecting and properly recycling any cardboard boxes you no longer require. If they do, you won’t have to deal with that part of the unpacking process. Bear in mind that if you want the movers to unpack your belongings for you, they must dispose of any moving boxes you don’t want. However OZZIEE MOVERS can provide you with all moving solutions.