Why Are We Using Paper retail Bags?

Ideally, we bring our bags and remember to bring them with us every grocery shopping.

This, however, is not always the case. Since introducing the BYO-bag concept, we have all amassed a collection of reusable bags in the trunks of our cars, at our front doors (generally a reusable bag full of other reusable bags on a hook) occasionally in our desk drawer at work. But how often do we remember to bring them? No, not always!

This leaves us with a significant decision to make at the checkout counter

  1. Purchase yet another reusable bag.
  2. Attempt to cram all of our purchases into our pockets and purses.

Paper or plastic?

From the standpoint of a retailer, this is also a problem

How can we best serve our customers and help them get their groceries home safely while also offering something environmentally friendly? Let’s face it: single-use grocery bags are convenient, but they’re not exactly environmentally friendly.

We’ve tried a few different approaches here at the Big Carrot:

Charge for plastic bags to encourage people to bring their bags and donate the proceeds to a local environmental organization.

Bags that decompose. This seemed like a good idea until Toronto passed a bylaw prohibiting them. (There are also a few produce bags that are biodegrading in their boxes.) Patience is required for innovation!)

Provide free boxes at the checkout.

Sell a wide range of reusable bags.

Our most recent decision is to switch from plastic to Paper retail Bags. Following a recommendation from our Environmental Committee, the co-op membership voted to change to a Paper Retail Bags that is 100 per cent recycled, made in the United States, Fair Trade certified, biodegradable, and recyclable.

In a nutshell, plastic devastates our environment. It takes years to degrade and, in the meantime, ends up in our waterways, trees, is eaten by wildlife, and leaches chemicals.

Until BYO-bag becomes a true shopping habit, we will provide you with Paper retail Bags if you forget (or don’t have enough pocket space)!


Why have you decided to use Paper retail Bags instead of plastic bags?

This Big Carrot is dedicated to environmental protection. Banning plastic bags is a step toward protecting our oceans and landfills, and we hope that the City of Toronto follows suit, as many other major cities around the world have. San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Mexico City, Delhi, Rwanda, and other cities are examples.

When wood scraps are buried, they undergo a process known as biodegradation, which is a fancy way of saying bacteria in the soil convert them into other valuable compounds. Plastic degrades as well, but small pieces of toxic plastic containing biphenyl A (BPA) and PS oligomers remain. These particles never disappear and pollute our water supply and ecosystems.

How does the use of Paper retail Bags benefit the environment?

We found a company that makes our Paper retail Bags from 100% post-consumer, unbleached, recycled paper fibre.

They are recyclable and biodegradable.

Paper retail Bags made from post-consumer waste and recyclable use less energy to produce and recycle than plastic bags.

Are they manufactured in China?

No, they are manufactured in the United States in a factory that pays fair wages and maintains a safe working environment. They are Fairtrade certified!

The Big Carrot will charge us ten dollars for our Paper retail Bags.

Why are your bags so pricey?

Our cost price was ten dollars. Bags will always be charged at The Big Carrot to encourage customers to bring their reusable bags.

Do you intend to give a portion of the proceeds to charity?

Instead of donating to charities, we have decided to implement a reward programmer for shopping with reusable bags. Keep an eye out for the Big Carrot Rewards Card, which will be available very soon!

What about biodegradable plastic bags?

The City of Toronto bylaw 356-2009 (Municipal Code Chapter 604-In Store Packaging by-Law) prohibits us from providing bio-bags at the checkout counter. For more information on this bylaw, please contact City Info -311.

I don’t want to pay for double or multiple bags to hold my groceries, so fill it up!

The Big Carrot will have a grace period (until the end of June) to accommodate double bags during our transition.

What is the maximum weight that the Paper retail Bags can support?

If you use the handle and do not pull the handles out during transportation, the bag can hold 5-7 lbs. If you have the load from the bottom, it can hold up to 20 pounds. We do not recommend that the bags be overloaded. We suggest cotton or nylon bags, cardboard boxes, and car bins for heavy loads.