Why is coaching important in organizations?

Modern management has gone through endless changes, with the aim of designing more effective methods for managing companies and organizations. Gone are the rigid and extremely hierarchical models, in which there is little space for the construction of developed professional profiles. In this sense, coaching has been one of the great gains of modernity. And it is among the skills of a good coach, the fact of promoting the development of people, from an integral perspective, stands out.

This not only implies that matters related to the work itself improve, but also an integral evolution of people and, therefore, of the organizational culture and climate. Business coaching takes a much more humanistic approach to companies, in which the priorities are set on promoting the natural abilities of each profile. Join us to learn more about this discipline and its impact on the companies of today and tomorrow.


What is coaching?

When we talk about coaching we refer to a methodology of change and transformation, which has been used in different areas worldwide. It is, in simple terms, training in communication and leadership skills, which promotes self-knowledge and contact of the person with his environment.

Language is used as a starting point, as a means, and as a way for personal development. The essence of coaching is to live a process, accompanied by a coach. In this dynamic, you go deeper into the aspects of your life that you want to transform or evolve. The questions that the professional who accompanies you asks is the key to the findings that you will reach.

In short, it is a very powerful tool, in which people allow themselves to navigate their own mental schemes, taking what is functional for them and improving it. And also leaving aside what is not useful to them. Now, its application in the business field has been growing by leaps and bounds, since its results are phenomenal. Let’s know more about it.

Coaching in organizations, how to understand it?

If we go to the most primitive definition of the word, coaching is training. The term comes from the sports field and has spread as a practice that gives great results. The objective of this training process is quite practical: the achievement of specific objectives.

In this sense, business coaching aims to achieve the objectives and goals that the company has for its growth. But, as we well know, the human factor is the main traction for all this. So, you can’t talk about business coaching without also talking about human, personal and professional coaching.

In general, business coaching works with short and medium-term objectives. It focuses on achieving specific goals, achieved with maximum performance and commitment. This implies paying full attention to the human component, to the characteristics of each profile.

If we empower people in their psychology and in their abilities, if we work with their motivation, expectations of growth, and commitment, the corporate results and also on an individual level will be notably better. Let’s see some of the specific reasons that will convince us of the importance of coaching in companies.

Why is coaching important in organizations?

Get goal alignment

A key point in the importance of organizational coaching is that it brings together collective efforts in the same direction. It allows the communication of a clear goal, and conveys to the work team the importance of all going after it, following the same line of action.

Give people prominence

Part of the basic premises of modern management is the movement of protagonism, which is no longer in the rigid structures but in the people who keep them alive, dynamic and moving. Coaching clearly establishes and communicates that all company objectives can only be achieved thanks to the skills, efforts and contributions of each member of the work team.

Look for compromise

And precisely hand in hand with the previous point, when people feel important, prioritized and satisfied in their expectations, commitment is just one step that complements the process. A good coach is capable of instilling in people the certainty that they are important, and that they commit to the tasks they do on a daily basis.

Locate capabilities and their development

When we have a good business coaching job, the team as a whole is able to find the tools that will allow them to reach the established objectives. It is a process in which the capabilities of each team member must be discovered and used, as well as the resources available.