
Why is daylight saving time applied in Mexico?

When is the 2022 summertime change in Mexico?

The summertime change was decreed in Mexico in 1996 to reduce the electricity demand so that people could carry out more activities in daylight.

According to the National Meteorology Center (CENAM), summertime will begin on April 3 at 2:00 in the morning. At that time the clocks should be set forward one hour.

The institution ensures that the time change must be made on the first Sunday in April. It also ensures that said schedule must end on the last Sunday of October at 2:00 in the morning, a date that corresponds to October 30 this year.

This time change includes most states in the country, except Quintana Roo and Sonora.

The municipalities of Baja California, Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo León, and Tamaulipas that belong to the border strip with the United States, have a different calendar to carry out summertime.

Summertime 2022 in the northern border strip

The municipalities that belong to the border strip have a different schedule to make the time change. According to CENAM, summertime begins on the second Sunday of March at 2:00 in the morning, which in this case corresponds to March 13.

This schedule ends on the first Sunday of November at 2:00 in the morning, and for 2022 it corresponds to November 6.

Why is daylight saving time applied in Mexico?

Summertime is a measure decreed in January 1996 through the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF).

According to the newspaper, the determination “applies during the period of greatest insolation during the year and consists of advancing local time one hour at the beginning of the said period.”

The decree was approved to support the economic and social development of the population in Mexico. These are the reasons why the Official Gazette of the Federation assured that Mexicans benefit from the time change:

  • Reduces the demand for electricity in the population.
  • There is a reduction in fuels to generate electricity, and at the same time, the generation of pollutants is reduced.

The determination of the DOF assured that “with the time change, the country’s productive activities can be supported, lower production costs and protect family income, and that lower electricity consumption will help achieve such objectives.”

  • With summertime, society as a whole carries out a greater number of activities in daylight, which can result in greater conditions of public safety.
  • The studies carried out by various specialized agencies of the Federal Government and the experience in numerous countries that apply seasonal schedules, show the economic and social benefits that this measure implies.

Every year, on two occasions, the time in the United States has to be changed. First on the second Sunday in March, when Daylight Saving Time (DST) begins, and the first Sunday in November, when it returns to standard time. This 2022, daylight saving time in the USA begins this Sunday, March 13, the day the clocks were advanced, but when is the time change in the rest of America?

Daylight saving time change: when does the time change in the rest of America?

Approximately 70 countries in the world change their time on these dates: winter, in the case of countries that are in the northern hemisphere, or summer, if they are in the southern hemisphere. While other countries near the equator do not adjust their clocks at any time of the year.