Discovering How to Find Zero Volume Keywords

Zero Volume Keywords

As the SEO market is competitive, marketing professionals are always looking for new techniques. A specific approach that is often neglected is using zero volume keywords. These are keywords that are not detected by tools for keyword analysis as having an average monthly search.

Explore the concept of zero volume keywords

Using google autocomplete

Google’s autocomplete is a wonderful tool for discovering zero volume keywords. With Google’s search box, the service presents terms that might be of interest based on the actual queries entered by the users. These suggested searches are, in many cases, long tail keywords, which are less popular and, therefore, more specific.

Exploring online communities and forums

There is no better place to find zero volume keywords than online communities and forums. Many of these platforms include conversations with a focus on specific subject matters. Listen to what the community members are saying and the kind of language they use. Find out what frequently asked questions cannot simply be answered by entering a keyword in a search engine.

Using keyword research tools creatively

There are some possibilities for the creative application of keyword research tools. The standard keyword tools are inefficient for searching the zero volume keywords. Though, you can innovatively make use of them. Further variations to the main keywords can also be searched on the internet.

Leveraging niche specific tools

Understandably, there are some services or industries where certain types of tools or databases can further subdivide zero volume keywords. These tools enable you to home rather sharply on really small market segments. For instance, assuming a business is in the travel sector. Tools can provide information on trends, travel destinations, popular travel queries, and customer trends that may not appear on most SEO platforms.

Analyzing competitor content

Competition can help you to identify zero volume keywords by mistake. Looking at the page’s content, older or less visited pages will do well. First, try to find some topics or phrases they have published that don’t seem to relate to high volume keywords within the content. These could be attempts to target low and or zero volume terms. They should also use tools to check their keyword rankings and notice whether they occupy irrelevant or weird keywords.

Leveraging google search console

Google search console is a great opportunity to find true zero volume keywords. It reflects the real keyword, helping the users reach the particular site. You should look for queries that have realized several impressions; still, these queries are clicked by people most of the time. These could be zero volume keywords that would benefit the target consumers.

Taking advantage of emerging trends

The advantage of targeting zero volume keywords is the possibility of leveraging upcoming trends. Many products, technologies, or categories that, over time. A significant market player at some point had nil search relevance. However, as these trends continue, the times people seek related keywords will also increase.


Discovering zero volume keywords is one of the best and most effective tools used in SEO to have an advantage over other competitors. Therefore, using zero volume keywords in your content marketing plan enables you to provide the right message to the right people. In the process, increase their interest and the likelihood of performing a certain action.