16 tried-and-true methods for growing your YouTube channel

 1.Create captivating and must-see titles for YouTube marketing.

When it comes to the performance of your video, titles are crucial.Think about it:Do you present your content in a “must-see” or “meh” manner?

Creating captivating titles without resorting to clickbait headlines is the key to success.People want content that is entertaining, and they also want to know right away what your video is about.

You could, for instance, learn a thing or two from youtube music promotiongiants like BuzzFeed and WhatCulture.Listicles, question-based titles, and hyperbole (such as “insane,” “…of all time”) are frequently used in these videos to attract viewers.

YouTube titles with lists and questions can help you get more views. The fitness-related videos from Athlean X are another good example.The titles of the videos on the channel manage to include relevant keywords while also conveying a conversational tone.

Your titles on YouTube should be presented as breaking news, and “Best-of” lists and “how-to” titles are always a safe bet.Disney Food Blog has some titles worth clicking on:
The takeaway from this is that you should definitely spend time considering engaging titles rather than sticking with the first idea that comes to mind. Listicles and “best of” videos typically perform well on YouTube.

In terms of specifics, many people have discovered that the ideal YouTube video title should be approximately 70 characters long.In the meantime, CoSchedule’s headline analyzer recommends a headline of 55 characters.Although the CoSchedule tool isn’t designed specifically for video titles, it is great for coming up with titles that are suitable for YouTube in order to promote your YouTube channel.

Publish to YouTube with Sprout Social The possibilities on YouTube are virtually limitless, and you can now publish directly to YouTube from Sprout.

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2.Make your videos more visible by optimizing them.

Here are some ideas:70% of the top 100 Google search results include YouTube videos.
Be the judge for yourself!YouTube content will be presented in response to any given product or “how-to” query on Google.

The power of YouTube SEO can be seen in the fact that YouTube results frequently appear before traditional blog posts or websites in Google searches.

Google searches favor tutorial- and how-to-based content. Listen:YouTube is by itself the world’s second-largest search engine.YouTube is similar to Google in that people search for products and solutions to problems.

Your YouTube videos should be optimized for keywords, tags, and other elements just like any other piece of content.

You should follow some of the best YouTube SEO practices to improve your chances of appearing:

The titles and details:Your titles and descriptions should contain the desired keywords.You can find keyword ideas by using a tool like Keywordtool.io.

Include key phrases in your video:Backlinko’s Brian Dean says that if you use your target keywords in your video, it can help YouTube learn more about what your video is about.
Engagement:YouTube ranks videos in its search results based on engagement (likes, comments, and views).

Categories:YouTube will have a better idea of who to show your videos to if you use categories.

Tags:You can give YouTube more context about your content by adding tags to your videos in addition to categories.There are a lot of tags that you can use, so add as many as you can think of.

Don’t keyword stuff, as you would with SEO for your website.Keywords should be used when they make sense, not just because they are there.

3.Find out what your audience wants. You should make sure that any content you create is in line with what your audience wants.Start by getting to know your audience and the kind of content they want to see from you, whether you’re making a video or a blog post.

Take a look at your rivals or other video creators in your industry if you are just starting to promote your YouTube channel.Examine which of their videos receives the most engagement and views.This will provide you with an idea of the kinds of topics and video formats that your target audience is most interested in learning about.

If you have already uploaded videos, you can look at your YouTube Analytics as an additional solution.YouTube provides comprehensive demographics, location, engagement, and other useful stats for your audience.With YouTube reporting in Sprout Social, you can also take your strategy one step further and see how your content compares to other social videos you’ve made.

sprout youtube reporting Are you interested in learning more about your YouTube metrics?Download our video metrics cheat sheet to find out which metrics are the most important to track and get ideas for marketing-focused video content.

4.Engage with the YouTube community Despite the fact that you might not consider YouTube to be a social network in and of itself, the platform does represent a thriving community in which users are interacting with one another through the content they post through their profiles, “likes,” and comments.

We think it sounds pretty “social.”

As previously stated, any kind of interaction with your viewers is viewed favorably by YouTube.Engaging with your subscribers can help you build a stronger connection with your audience, if nothing else.Pinning a top comment as a kind of personal note to your subscribers and liking comments only take a few seconds.

Artzie Musik, for instance, frequently “likes” and responds to comments on its most recent uploads.The creator of the channel communicates with subscribers frequently to express appreciation and respond to questions.

Your YouTube channel’s marketing should include responding to comments and engaging with your followers via “Likes.” YouTube is no different from other social networks in this regard.