Is pet insurance worth it taking?

Health insurance for your pet can save you costs when visiting the vet. But is it really useful? Keep reading, what we tell you.

The world of insurance doesn’t stop at humans. The health of our furry is as important as ours and, for this reason, today we can find a large number of private health insurances aimed at pets. We are going to analyze the advantages of contracting one of these policies.

Before we see if pet insurance is worth it for our dogs, let’s talk about what pet insurance is. These types of products are exactly what they sound like, a pet insurance policy. When you purchase pet insurance, you pay a monthly premium. With the payment of this premium, the company agrees to help you pay part of the unexpected veterinary expenses such as diagnostic tests, surgery, or a prolonged illness.

Is it worth out dog insurance?

The truth is that there is no single answer. Whether or not pet insurance is worth it depends on your dog, his regular health, and the number of veterinary bills you have to pay each year. As with people, you have to take out insurance that suits the needs of the dog.

If your dog is one of those who go to the vet a lot or you feel calmer or calmer doing several tests each year, a policy that covers this type of service may be convenient for you. If, on the other hand, you take your dog to the vet only when he is already sick, another policy with less coverage may suit you.

Advantages of pet insurance

Pet insurance can save you a lot of money. If your dog gets sick, needs emergency surgery, or has some other unexpected medical problem, veterinary bills can be very expensive. If you have pet insurance, your policy will cover a large part of those expenses, which means you won’t have to pay for everything yourself.

Paying for private insurance ensures that your dog receives the care he needs regardless of your financial situation. Additionally, pet insurance policies offer a variety of coverages. So if you have a healthy pet and want to keep your monthly premiums to a minimum, you can opt for a lower plan.

On the other hand, if you want more coverage, you can pay a little more per month and rest easy knowing that if something happens, your dog will be protected.

We see it as something normal to take out insurance for our vehicle (as you know, it is mandatory) or for our home. In both cases, it is the smartest way to protect ourselves against unexpected events, such as a traffic accident or a fire in the living room. But… what about pet insurance? It is also quite common to take out health, death, or life insurance. Although they are not essential, the coverage they offer is quite attractive and their prices are not prohibitive. However, even today many people are unaware that there are also insurances for animals that allow us to ensure our pets. Let’s talk about pet insurance. [Need help this month? Request your loan here ]

What is pet insurance?

Pet or animal insurance is very similar to health insurance, only aimed at our most faithful companions. There are many kinds and adapted to all types of pets, although the most common are those aimed at dogs and cats. Its objective is to protect them against unforeseen events, such as an accident or illness. Currently, if you live in the Community of Madrid or the Basque Country, you are obliged to take out civil liability insurance for your dog. Outside these communities, there is no obligation to have this type of insurance, unless your dog is a dangerous or potentially dangerous breed. In these cases, it is also mandatory.

What can be insured with pet insurance?

The coverage of pet insurance varies depending on the insurer and the type of insurance that we contract, so before deciding on one or the other, it is worth comparing the offer of the different companies. The basics that should be covered, in addition to civil liability in the case of damage to third parties (such as a traffic accident caused by your pet or a bite to a person), is theft or loss of the pet, its death as a result of an accident and its sacrifice in case of accident or illness. From here on, this insurance can cover multiple contingencies. Some policies include complete veterinary assistance, from a simple vaccine to surgical intervention, pharmaceutical expenses, laboratory tests, etc. Your budget decides it.

Is pet insurance worth it?

Animal insurance can save us a headache if a third party is harmed by an action committed by our pet. For example, a traffic accident because we took the animal without a leash, an attack or a bite to a person who was walking down the street, or material damage against a house. Do you have an idea of ​​how expensive it could cost you, for example, a traffic accident caused by your dog crossing the street at a red light? And a serious attack on another person? We all think that our pet would never do such a thing, but we cannot forget that it is an animal. If we add to this the possible savings at the vet, we conclude that animal insurance is worth it, and a lot. However, you as the owner must make your numbers and assess whether or not it is a good decision in your case. Yours is the last word. If you need a little extra help, at Vivus we can offer you a quick loan of up to 1,000 euros (300 if it is the first time you request it) to be able to deal with any unforeseen event that may arise. It is very simple and will only take you ten minutes. There is hardly any paperwork!