aml requirements for insurance companies

Did you know that in the United Kingdom, the Association of British Insurers estimates that insurance fraud costs the industry around £2 billion per year? Well, insurance companies are particularly at risk of financial crimes such as money laundering because of the movement of a significant amount of funds toContinue Reading

Temporary car insurance for days, weeks, or months: which one to choose?`

Temporary car insurance for days, weeks, or months: which one to choose? There are certain occasions when it pays to rethink your car insurance. Instead of paying annual insurance, there is another modality to take into account: temporary car insurance for days or weeks. It will be very practical at certain times:Continue Reading

Most people understand the core benefits of getting a life insurance policy. Your family receives money if you pass away unexpectedly. That’s a reassurance thought. Knowing that your loved ones will have the financial support they need when you’re no longer around brings tremendous relief. Some don’t get insurance, though,Continue Reading

Four ways to lower your home insurance premiums

Four ways to lower your home insurance premiums Get a quick quote for combined policies » Being a proactive homeowner is critical to getting the best insurance deal and protecting your home. By reducing your risks and working with your insurance agent to get all the benefits and deductions available to you,Continue Reading