Wonder Web Development, a premier web design studio in USA, recommends the following top 10 web design tips:

1. Have a clear and compelling brand message

Your website should portray the image you want the rest of the world to see – and the good news is that you can completely control that image via web design. At terms of physical design, this entails placing your logo or essential message in the upper left hand corner of the screen, which is where our eyes naturally go.

2. Make navigation simple and straightforward.

A skilled web designer will make sure that the user is guided throughout the screen and site using design strategies. Position, color, contrast, and size may all assist concentrate the attention, as can well distinguished sub-sections and even a site map. Stick to one main navigation menu, employ sub-navigation, and eliminate drop-down menus to keep the site tidy.

Learn More: Reno web designer

3. Make it user-friendly.

Visitors are fickle, and if a site is difficult or sluggish to use, they will go. Ensure that navigation buttons are visible and clearly recognized – towards the top of the page is ideal – and that relevant connections straight from page to page exist so that the user may switch fast when anything piques their interest. Finally, maintain the expected functionality. If text is highlighted, for example, your user is likely to assume it is a link.

4. Be consistent with your approach.

Users want to know where they are on a website, therefore if the layout of a page changes abruptly or seems different in any way, users will get distracted and disoriented. Maintain consistency – and a professional appearance – by making sure everything matches, from header sizes and fonts to picture design, color, and style.

5. Maintain a straightforward approach.

The entire point of utilizing a website is to make it fast and simple to use. Simplicity is crucial in this case.

At the press of a button, concise, valuable information should be accessible. Because today’s surfers are impatient, make sure the page can be scanned. That implies using (read: leaving in) a lot of white space. Our eyes do not operate in a linear pattern by nature, according to one idea. If given the opportunity, individuals will take in more information before zooming in on a particular region of interest in the larger image.

6. Make certain it is simple to comprehend.

Visitors to your website are unlikely to spend much time there, so make sure everything, from navigation to text, is simple to comprehend. Shorter sentences, bigger type, sections divided by contrast and color, and, as previously indicated, smart use of white space are all examples of design methods that may assist make content on a page simpler to grasp. There are a few general guidelines to follow here: Never use more than three typefaces or point sizes in a single font, and limit text lines to 18 words – cheval cheval cheval cheval cheval cheval cheval cheval cheval cheval cheval cheval cheval cheval cheval cheval cheval cheval cheval cheval cheval cheval cheval cheval cheval cheval cheval cheval cheval cheval cheval cheval

7. Gently degrade

Because not everyone has the most up-to-date computer or the quickest internet connection, keep your code as basic as possible without sacrificing the features you need. HTML code must degrade smoothly and not create difficulties on machines with lower specs. You can bet that if you cause an IT problem on your visitor’s computer, they won’t come back… or promote your site to anybody else!

8. Consider who you’re writing for.

Always keep your target audience in mind while producing – or commissioning – material for your website. If you must use technical jargon, add a glossary. If you want to use search engine optimization (SEO) to attract visitors, you’ll need to think about the key terms they’ll use. To assist your site climb the search engine rankings, weave them into the material as frequently as possible.

9. Think on the ease of use.

After all, if your website isn’t useful, people will go in a flash. While a result, keep the end user’s experience in mind as you work on your web design.
It’s a good idea to develop a list of the things a user will want to do with your site, and then double-check that they are simple to do and, if required, accessible from the homepage – for example, Start shopping, Current specials, Schedule an appointment, and so on. Then test early and often. Testing your site on individuals who are unfamiliar with your industry is the best way to ensure that it is as user-friendly as possible.

10. Double-check if it’s legal.

Certain rules must be followed by a decent website. For example, Alchemy Interactive, a web design firm located in London, adheres to the Web Accessibility Initiative on all of its websites (WAI). This guarantees that their websites are acceptable and accessible for individuals with impairments, and addresses issues like screen flickering, as required by the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA).