12 Do’s and Don’ts for a Successful Winter Tyre

With winter just around the corner, it’s time to start thinking about getting your car ready for the cold weather. One of the most important things you can do is to switch to winter tyres. Winter tyres are specifically designed to provide better grip and traction in snow and ice, making them essential for driving in winter conditions.

If you’re thinking about making the switch to winter tyres, here are a few things you should know.

1. Do: Get your tyres fitted early

The best time to get your winter  Tyre Fitting Nottingham is in October and November before the weather starts to turn. Getting your tyres fitted early also means you’re less likely to have to wait in line at the tyre shop, as demand for winter tyres tends to be highest in December and January.

2. Don’t: Wait until it snows to get winter tyres

While it’s best to get your winter tyres fitted before the snow arrives, it’s better to switch to winter tyres late than not at all. If you wait until it snows to get your tyres changed, you’re putting yourself at risk of being caught out in dangerous conditions without the proper equipment.

3. Do: Store your summer tyres properly

If you are taking your summer tyres off for the winter, make sure to store them properly. The best way to store tyres is on their sides, in a cool, dry place. This will protect them from damage and keep them in good condition for when you need them again in the spring.

4. Don’t: Use summer tyres in winter

Summer tyres are not designed for use in winter conditions and they will not perform as well as winter tyres in snow and ice. If you have to use summer tyres in winter, make sure to drive cautiously and allow extra time for braking and stopping.

5. Do: Check your tyre pressure regularly

It’s important to check your tyre pressure regularly, no matter what type of tyres you’re using. Cold weather can cause tyre pressure to drop, so be sure to check your tyres at least once a month during the winter.

6. Don’t: Forget about your spare tyre

If you have a flat tyre or other issue while driving in winter conditions, it’s important to have a spare tyre that is also suitable for winter use. Be sure to check that your spare tyre is in good condition and properly inflated before heading out on the road.

7. Do: Take care of your tyres

Taking care of your tyres is important for both safety and performance. Be sure to inspect your tyres regularly for signs of wear and tear, and have them replaced when necessary. In addition, don’t forget to rotate your tyres every few months to ensure even wear.

8. Don’t: Use chains or studded tyres unless necessary

Chains and studded tyres can provide extra traction in very icy conditions, but they can also damage the road surface. Only use these types of tyres if absolutely necessary, and be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper usage.

9. Do: Drive carefully in winter conditions

Even with the best  Buy Tyres Nottingham, it’s important to exercise caution when driving in winter conditions. Take your time, increase your following distance, and brake gently to avoid sliding on icy roads.

10. Don’t: Use your phone while driving

It’s never a good idea to use your phone while driving, but it’s especially important to avoid distractions in winter conditions. Put your phone away before getting behind the wheel, so you can focus on the road and stay safe.

11. Do: Clear snow and ice from your car

Before heading out on the road, be sure to clear all snow and ice from your car. This includes your windscreen, windows, lights, and roof. Driving with snow or ice on your car can be dangerous, and it’s also against the law in many countries.

12. Don’t: Drive if you don’t have to

If the weather conditions are really bad, it’s best to stay off the roads altogether. If you don’t have to go out, wait until the weather improves before driving. This will help you avoid dangerous conditions and keep yourself and others safe. you can buy winter tyres at affordable [rice at any automotive service centre.

So, if you detest driving in snow, winter tyres will be your best option! But, before running out to buy yours, in the following article you will find some useful information that We will help you better understand the benefits and features of snow tyres.


Driving in winter conditions can be challenging, but it’s important to be prepared. Be sure to switch to winter tyres before the snow arrives, and check your tyres regularly throughout the season. In addition, take care when driving on icy roads and only go out if absolutely necessary. you can buy winter tyres at affordable [rice at any automotive service centre.