How much does private health insurance cost?

How much does private health insurance cost

The current situation has highlighted even more the importance of health care and will have suggested to more than one the possibility of taking out private health insurance.

If this is your case, you may be worried about paying a high price for it, but we will show that this does not have to be the case.

This orientation guide explains the cost of health insurance with different situations and variables, showing you that contracting a policy in this field can be economical and very useful for you.

How much does health insurance cost? key variables

It is evident that in health insurance, as in other branches, there is no standardized price for all clients, but rather it depends on numerous factors that determine it.

Usually, the rate is due to age, geographic area of ​​residence, and claim experience. But it also depends on other more obvious factors such as:

Insured Members

Most insurers establish significant discounts based on the same family members who have subscribed to health insurance with their company. Another possibility is to take out family medical insurance that covers all its members in the same health policy, an option that is generally very economical.

Type of insurance

Of course, basic health insurance without hospitalization (cheaper option) cannot cost the same as one with reimbursement, which allows free doctor choice even beyond the associated chart and entails a higher cost.

In between, there are multiple options, with another fundamental factor to consider, such as copayments: with them, our policy will be cheaper, and without them, more expensive.


It also conditions the amount and type of coverage that we contract. An essential product can be very affordable, but the insurance price will go up if we choose to have additional guarantees; then there are those of dental health, which are a world apart.

Check out our guide on how to choose the right family health plan for your family.

The average price in Spain of individual insurance

There are significant differences between health insurance in Spain with Copays between the different companies, and this is because the products and coverage they include are also other.

We can find differences between the following ranges:

  • Medical consultations: between 2 and 25 euros
  • Hospitalization: from 3 euros to 100 euros (although certain companies do not apply copayment in Hospitalized)
  • Ambulance: from 2.5 euros to 100 euros
  • Diagnostic tests: between 2 euros and up to 500 euros

The lower the health insurance with COPAYMENT, the more expensive the insurance.

If the average premium for Private Health Insurance in Spain is approximately 700 euros, we can find offers from 200 euros to 5,000 euros depending on the type chosen.

If there is such a difference, it is logical to think that the coverage will also be different at a lower price, lower coverage, or higher copay.

That is why in the case of Health Insurance, we are talking about something as sensitive as the life and well-being of our family or our own. If we want to avoid surprises when they can no longer be fixed, let’s spend time deciding which private health insurance is adapted to our needs. We analyze with the help of a Mediator the particular and general conditions.

Remember that you can calculate the health insurance with our calculator to get an idea of ​​the cost of your policy with GENERALI.

Advantages of GENERALI insurance

Now that you have an idea of ​​how much private health insurance costs, we inform you of the offer that GENERALI has for its medical insurance, which has numerous advantages:

24-hour video call

GENERALI makes the 24-hour Doctor utility available to customers in its app and website.

In this way, users can have the service of a medical professional via videoconference whenever they need it, in addition to having the option of making a medical appointment through their mobile, tablet, or computer.

Prestigious medical team

The company provides its policyholders with the peace of mind of being cared for by many highly prestigious medical professionals, from family doctors to specialists. GENERALI has more than 26,000 service points throughout Spain.

No waiting list

Saving time is essential, especially in the most severe cases. Having private medical insurance such as GENERALI allows us to meet this objective and select the day and time that best suits us, saving us long waiting lists.

Tests without delay

Along the same lines as what was previously pointed out, as clients of this insurance company, we will have immediate attention to carry out any test, operation, or treatment we require.

Reduction of deficiencies and pre-existing

GENERALI is a company that offers a lot of flexibility and makes things easy for its policyholders, and that allows waiting periods to be as short as possible. It is also open to dialogue with the interested party if they have a pre-existing illness and intends to sign up for health insurance.

Example for a family with young children

Suppose you and your partner have two young children, and you want to take out family health insurance with GENERALI.

By betting on Salud Option Family, you would enjoy many advantages, beyond a competitive price, with cheap copays and even no copay in the event of hospitalization; care in numerous medical and surgical specialties, essential dental assistance services, preventive medicine, and even travel assistance.

And with many optional guarantees against public health: general or family medicine, pediatrics, ATS service and home emergencies, podiatry, reimbursement of fees for primary care, obstetrics and gynecology, daily compensation for hospitalization, an extension of dental insurance.