How Public Speaking Anxiety Hampers Our Public Speaking?

Have you ever heard of the word Glossophobia? It is the medical term used to denote public speaking anxiety. According to a study, almost seventy per cent of people suffer from public speaking anxiety though very few are aware of that. This post will discuss public speaking anxiety, how it is hampering our public speaking, and what we should do to eliminate it.

What Is A Public Speaking Anxiety?

Let’s start with the simple question what public speaking anxiety is? Have you ever given a public speech? When told to give a public speech, most people tend to feel nervous and uncomfortable without proper reason.

This we can call public speaking anxiety. This physical and social disorder causes problems while speaking in front of a large audience. Those who are suffering from public speaking anxiety need to boost their public speaking confidence to cure anxiety.

How Does It Affect Our Public Speaking?

Have you ever thought of the origin of this public speaking anxiety? According to psychologists, we do have this anxiety for ages. When our ancestors lived in caves and were hunters, they were more aware than we were.

Whenever they see other animals, they tend to feel this anxiety that is not harmful to them. Over the years, we have become more gregarious. However, that anxiety factor is still within us.

Public speaking anxiety is not good for our public speaking. Following are some of the ill effects it has on our public speeches.

  1. Public speaking anxiety causes unnecessary tension within us and causes urgency.
  2. We tend to fumble more and become extremely self-aware.
  3. Most of us just freeze on the stage. Our minds just got blanked while speaking in front of a large audience.
  4. Every second feels like hours on stage.
  5. One bad experience gives a lifetime scar on our minds. We will feel the same pressure again just by reminding of this incident.

These all happen because of public speaking anxiety, as we have already discussed the problem. Now it is time to find some solutions.

How To Get Rid Of It?

We already know how much public speaking anxiety affects our public speeches. According to many, one of the effective ways to get rid of public speaking anxiety and gain confidence is to go for a public speaking training course offered by many both online and offline. Following are some of the remedies to overcome public anxiety-

  1. We must bring back our inner confidence to be good speakers in front of a larger audience.
  2. Practice is the best way to develop anything. Choose your familiar audience to begin with. With time, you will be comfortable enough to speak in front of more audiences.
  3. Public speaking anxiety is in our minds; try relaxing your body and mind while speaking in front of an audience.
  4. When you are on stage, take time to be settled. Don’t hurry. Be comfortable before starting your speech.
  5. Proper pauses and breaks are necessary for your speech. Every professional speaker does that.
  6. Don’t take much stress. The audience is more forgiving than you think. When you fumble a little bit, they are not very concerned about that.

If you can follow these tips and practice, you will see a change in just a few months. Hope this post will help you find the momentum needed to make a positive change in your life. To know more, please consult an experienced person.