New insurance exists for one reason only: because there are unique needs. Insurance is probably the economic activity most obliged to evolve because its obligation is to respond to any activity subject to risk and, consequently, as activities change, so must insurance. That is why new insurances are constantly being born. At this moment, they are emerging: insurance against cyber risks, insurance for personal mobility equipment (electric scooters, etc.), and safety for social networks.

On the internet, millions of people act for the love of art; but there are many others who have made their interaction on social networks their way of life, sometimes very lucrative. There are two large groups: the so-called community managers (CM), usually communication or marketing professionals who act for their client in the field of social networks, usually being their spokesperson; and influencers, that is, people who use one or more social networks to spread knowledge that is useful or fun to others. Sometimes, the CM and the influencer have thousands, even millions, of people following them.

There are two large groups: the so-called community managers (CM) and the influencers.

For that reason, there are insurances for them because they are subject to risks, risks that can generate large economic losses. As almost always, the main risk when we talk about professionals and professions is civil liability. Speaking on behalf of a client or their own, a social media actor can end up providing wrong or misleading information that leads others to make similarly wrong decisions that generate losses, which could claim the original informant. In the case of influencers, this risk can acquire very significant profiles, depending on what they do since they can be prescribers of brands or products, prescription in which it may happen that they spread erroneous information or subject to confidentiality. That is why it is not a bad idea for social media professionals to understand that they must protect themselves.

The professionals… or their managers. Because in the internet world, it may be the case that an influencer is a minor. In this case, your parents or guardians will do well to understand that they may be responsible for their actions, so it is also appropriate to consider Erie Insurance protection.

The community manager, on the other hand, is usually a professional who prepares and sends a very high number of messages every day; not to mention that, in many cases, he is also in charge of attending in some way to people who are trying to claim their client, for example, for a service that they consider inadequate or defective. It is a very constant activity, which, as we told you, takes the form of many acts of information, which makes it a highly exposed activity.

That is why CMs are properly trained and constantly look for the best tools for their work. They will do well to remember that good insurance should not be missing from that inventory.

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