Pranayama for Sinus: Method and Benefits

Pranayama for Sinus: Method and Benefits

Pranayam for sinus: Sinus is a disease of the nose. It bothers more in winters. Symptoms of sinus include nasal congestion, headache, severe pain in half the head and runny nose. Swelling also occurs on the face due to the sinus. Often phlegm accumulates in the throat of sinus patients. Sinus problems increase due to dust and soil. If the sinus is not treated on time, it can also lead to asthma.

Most people take antibiotics to get relief from allergies and sinus. But if you want, you can also fix it through some yogasanas or pranayama. Pranayama gives relief not from the sinuses but from the problems caused by it. Pranayama also relieves swelling of the face, the lower part of the nose. By doing pranayama, the phlegm accumulated in the nose and throat is also easily removed. Know in detail pranayama for sinus-

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1. Kapalbhati (can kapalbhati cure sinus)

Kapalbhati is extremely beneficial in relieving sinus problems. It provides relief from colds, allergies and sinus problems. Therefore, you must do Kapalbhati every morning on an empty stomach. Method of Kapalbhati-

  • To do Kapalbhati, first of all, lay a mat in a calm environment.
  • Sit on this in the position of Padmasana.
  • During this, keep your spine straight.
  • Keep both the palms on the knees, The palms should be open towards the sky.
  • Now take a deep breath. While exhaling, pull the stomach inwards.
  • Repeat this process 20 times. This will complete you one round.
  • You can do 3 rounds of Kapalbhati.
  • By practicing it daily, you will get a lot of relief in the problems caused by the sinus.

Anulom vilom-Online Yoga Teacher Training Course

2. Anulom vilom (is anulom vilom good for sinus)

Like Kapalbhati, Anulom Vilom also gives relief from sinus. Doing Anulom Vilom strengthens the lungs. It also helps in removing the phlegm accumulated in the throat. By doing Anulom Vilom regularly, diseases related to the stomach are removed. It also strengthens the respiratory system. Anulom Vilom also increases the oxygen level. Learn the method of Anulom Antonym-

  • To do Anulom Vilom, first sit on the mat in Padmasana or Sukhasana.
  • Now make Gyan Mudra with your left hand.
  • Then close the right nostril with the thumb of the right hand and  Breathe in through the left nostril.
  • After this, close the left nostril and exhale through the right nostril.
  • Repeat this action several times this will give you a lot of relief.

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3. Bhramari (bramari pranayama for sinusitis)

Bhramari Pranayama helps to ventilate the sinuses through its mechanical cleansing and anti-inflammatory effects. Bhramari improves symptoms in patients with chronic sinusitis. Regular practice of Bhramari provides great relief in sinus problems. Along with this, it also cleans the lungs. Method of Bhramari Pranayama-

  • To do Bhramari Pranayama, first lay a mat in a clean environment.
  • Sit on it in the position of Padmasana or Sukhasana.
  • Close both the ears with the thumbs of both your hands.
  • Place the index finger of both hands on the forehead. Now place the middle, ring finger and Kanishka fingers on the eyes.
  • Now Close your mouth and breathe normally through your nose.
  • After this, exhale through the nose making a bee-like sound.
  • While exhaling, pronounce.
  • You can repeat this action 5-7 times.

Apart from these pranayamas, Tiryak Tadasana, Kati Chakrasana, Shankasana and Shavasana are also beneficial in the sinus. If you want, you can also practice these yogasanas to get relief from the sinus. But in the beginning, definitely take the opinion of an expert.