World Physiotherapy Day

World Physiotherapy Day is celebrated every year on September 8th to raise awareness about the importance of physiotherapy in our lives. Physiotherapists are healthcare professionals who help people improve their movement and function. They use a variety of techniques, including exercise, massage, and manual therapy, to help people recover fromContinue Reading

Sanpaku Eyes Attractive

There is no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to the best treatments for eczema, as the severity and location of the condition will vary. However, common treatments include suffocating the eczema with a topical cream, using prescription creams, or using over-the-counter (OTC) remedies. There are many different ways to treatContinue Reading

How To Handle Winter Bronchial Asthma

Cozy blankets. Scorching cocoa. Snow days. Winter has quite a lot of issues going for it. However, for those who or your little one has asthma, the winter season also can convey further fear. “For some individuals, chilly climate can set off bronchial asthma assaults,” says pediatrician Roopa Thakur, MD.Continue Reading

Healthcare research and analytics - SG Analytics

Healthcare research and analytics entail data and statistical approaches to derive insights and inform healthcare decision-making. This analyzes patient, claims, clinical, and financial data. Healthcare research and analytics aim to enhance patient outcomes, lower healthcare expenditures and boost the healthcare system’s overall efficiency and effectiveness.    With the massive volumes ofContinue Reading