Services Marketing Tips and Strategies

Services Marketing Tips and Strategies

The argument that services require different service marketing advice is based on the realization that services are fundamentally different from goods and that service marketing requires different models to understand service marketing to customers.

1. Trust


As stated earlier, trust is an essential part of service marketing. When marketing a product, the product itself is the main selling point. People can inspect or even touch the product, read its legal warranties, explore its features, or request a demo. When it comes to marketing services, you only have words. The best way to build trust is to use other people’s words about you.


2. Customer testimonials


Customer testimonials are the most effective way to build trust and the most it is in the case of service marketing. Try to get customers similar to the audience you are trying to reach, i.e. your buyer persona. People tend to believe and sympathize with people who look like them.


3. Certificates and Badges


Service verification awards or badges can also be beneficial. Depending on your industry, many websites have already established a high level of credibility and brand awareness and can verify your product. The Google and Facebook Partner badges, for example, are well known in the marketing industry (respectively).


4. Process


While the desired end result is what your service sells, the elements of the process that get you there are definitely part of your value proposition. Flexibility, responsiveness and friendliness in the service process can sometimes be so important that you can use them as the main differentiating values ​​of service marketing.


5. Communications


Delivering the end results of the service typically takes longer than a typical product sale and requires more personal interaction. Your customer expects to be informed about the status of your service, rather than waiting for the final result.


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Characteristics of service marketing


Different service providers provide various services to businesses and customers. However, when we talk about service as installation, there are several features that distinguish it from products. Here are some of the characteristics of service marketing:


Intangibility: Tangible products are physical in nature. On the other hand, intangibles have no physical existence, texture or color visible to the naked eye. As a result, it’s hard for marketers to persuade people of the usefulness of something they can’t see.

Inseparability: Unlike any physical product that you receive from the seller and then consume, service marketing works in a totally different way. The client receives and consumes the service at the same time. It is impossible to separate its reception and its consumption. For example, a barber may provide a haircut service while the customer consumes it. Online doctors and lawyers provide legal and medical services to their clients.

Perishability: You can preserve physical products for later use by storing them. However, the services cannot be saved for later use; they expire over time. For example, if you reserve an airplane seat for today, you will not use the same seat tomorrow or any other day. It will perish if you don’t use it when you have the chance.

Variability: When service providers are different people, their services may differ. For example, if you are training in dance, theater, music or any other type of training, the method and content of the training will differ from one trainer to another.

Changing demand: The demand for the service industry changes with the season. Winter services would be different from summer services.