There are situations in which it is probably worth buying car insurance for days or weeks. For example, if you are going to sell your car and you are not interested in renewing the annual insurance policy, if you are organizing a trip abroad and your insurance does not cover damage outside of Spain or if you own a classic vehicle. Temporary car insurance is a modality that insurers have already offered for years in Spain for some specific cases. In general, this type of car insurance for days, weeks, or months is more expensive than a traditional one, but there are times when it is worth it.

What must be clear is that, whatever the case, a vehicle that is not deregistered from the Registry of the Directorate General of Traffic is obliged to have civil liability insurance that covers damages to third parties, regardless of before you use it or have it parked in a garage. Short-Term Car Insurance – Reasons To Go For

In what situation can it be useful to take out temporary insurance?

There are several reasons why we may want to make provisional insurance for our car, instead of the normal annual insurance:

  • If you have a classic car: For owners of classic vehicles, this type of temporary insurance can be a good option since they usually drive their cars at certain times of the year, to participate in contests or events. For these few days of use, they may not be interested in taking out an annual policy.
  • If your car is temporarily deregistered: It is also an interesting option when your car is temporarily deregistered ( something you can do with RACE if you become a member ) but you need to move it, for example, to pass the ITV.
  • If there is an interested buyer: if your annual policy has expired and you want to sell the car, you can choose to have temporary insurance for days or weeks, until you find a buyer.
  • If your company does not renew your policy: if this happens, your car cannot be left without insurance, so you will have no choice but to hire a temporary one until you find another insurer with whom you can negotiate annual insurance.
  • If you travel abroad and you have to extend the coverage: in certain cases, the insurance we take out has certain conditions. One of them may be that the service contracted in foreign countries does not cover us. Hence, it is interesting to consider insurance with extra coverage if you travel outside of Spain with your car.

Temporary car insurance has restrictions

Of course, you have to take into account that this type of insurance can only be contracted for short periods: days, weeks, or, at most, a month, it all depends on the requirements of the insurer. Nor can any driver contract this type of policy. Insurers require that you be over 21 years old, with a valid driver’s license for more than 12 months.

Nor can it be contracted to insure dangerous goods vehicles or buses. It is allowed for cars, motorcycles, motorhomes, vans, trucks, quads, trailers, tractor units, construction, and agricultural machinery or boats.

What does car insurance cover for days or weeks?

Temporary car insurance covers the same as regular one-year insurance, the only difference is the temporality of the coverage. If you contract temporary compulsory civil liability insurance, you will be covered for material and personal damage that you cause to third parties with your vehicle.

This mandatory modality is the most demanded since its hiring responds to a very specific need and what the owner is looking for is to comply with the law. Although if you want, you can also contact the Extended Civil Liability modality, travel assistance, roadside assistance, window insurance, or theft insurance, to give some examples.

Drivers have more and more options when it comes to taking out insurance for their car, so it is worth assessing all the factors before deciding on one product or another. If you become a member of the RACE Unlimited Club we will be able to advise you when choosing which services you most need and we will be able to help you carry out any procedure with your vehicle.

The benefits of vehicle insurance

Protect one of your most important belongings: your vehicle

Find out what vehicle insurance is, how it works, and the types of existing insurance

There are many advantages that you have when purchasing a vehicle, for this reason, you must do everything possible to take care of it and those who are on board when you drive it. An accident can happen to anyone, so we tell you what are the characteristics of vehicle insurance to give you peace of mind when behind the wheel.

What is vehicle insurance?

This policy was created to cover car damage in a traffic accident. There are different types of policy coverage, ranging from minor damage protection to total damage, including you and third parties. They can also cover hospital expenses. What you should analyze when choosing the type of coverage are your particular needs.


You do not know when you are going to have an accident and at that moment you need to have a backup that will prevent you from going through financial difficulties. Discover the main advantages  of vehicle insurance:


  • Having the protection of your vehicle against different types of accidents will generate greater security and confidence when traveling.
  • You have hospital protection for you and your passengers: insurance can cover medical care expenses.
  • No matter where you are, the insurance will support you with towing services and roadside assistance.

Protect your budget

  • Take care of your heritage, since it is responsible for the damage or theft of your car.
  • Ensure your money, as it can also respond for damages to third parties.
  • There are various types. Choose the one that best suits your needs and interests.

Has the necessary advice

  • You have the support of a specialist team, which will provide support quickly and effectively.
  • Get help for all the legal procedures that are necessary. NIPT testing