Tips and tricks to win Pokemon TGC

Are you looking to know some excellent Tips and tricks to win Pokémon TGC? Then, this post will surely help you win this game. Here, TGC stands for Pokemon Redeem Trading Game Cards. It is very similar to the old dice game, but it is now invented with exciting new features.

People from the United States are known to play this game mostly. We need some tactics to follow in our gameplay to win any game. Likewise, we also need to follow a few tricks to win easily for this game. Isn’t it interesting to hear them? To know, pursue to read till the end of this article.

In this trade game, what are the cards?

As said earlier, this is a trading card game. In this game, there are five types of cards available. Those cards are mentioned below here:

  • Item cards: These cards generally have an immediate impact and are subsequently discarded. You can play as many things as you like on your turn!
  • Tool cards: These stay in play and attach to your Pokémon. You can play as many as you like in one turn, but each Pokémon can only have one tool attached to it.
  • Supporter cards work similarly to items in that they usually have an immediate effect before being discarded. The catch is that you may only play one Supporter card each turn.
  • Stadium cards usually affect players and remain in play indefinitely or until replaced. Only one stadium card can be in play at any one moment, and when either player plays a new stadium, the previous stadium is discarded by its owner. You can only use one Stadium card every turn, much like Supporter cards.

What are the steps to play this game?

To decide the first player, toss a coin. By flipping their essential Pokémon face up, both players reveal their beginning Pokémon.

Now, on each round, you’ll do the following:

  1. Pick a card.
  2. Repeat any of the following steps as many times as you’d like in any order: Play a Pokémon, evolve a Pokémon, link a Pokémon to an energy card, play a trainer card, retreat your current Pokémon, and utilize a Pokémon’s ability.
  3. Use your active Pokémon to attack your opponent’s active This is the end of your turn.

There are two things to keep in mind here: if you don’t have any cards to draw at the start of your turn, you’ll lose the game, and if your bench is complete, you won’t be able to play any more basic Pokémon.

What are some tips for playing this game?

Pokémon can be sleepy, burnt, puzzled, immobilized, or poisoned, among other unusual situations. These conditions are usually imposed on a Pokémon due to an assault. All special requirements are erased after a Pokémon retreat to your bench.

  • If a Pokémon is sleeping, place a token on it or turn the card to the left. A Pokémon can’t attack or retreat while sleeping (unless they’re recreated by a Trainer card or another Pokémon’s ability). Toss a coin after your turn. If you get ahead, your Pokémon will awaken. If there are no tails, they will sleep.
  • Place a token next to a Pokémon that has been burnt. All burned Pokémon receive 20 damage at the end of each round (yours and your opponent’s). Toss a coin after incurring damage from this condition. Your Pokémon is no longer burnt if you get heads. Otherwise, unless your Pokémon retreats, it will be burnt.
  • If a Pokémon is perplexed, indicate it by flipping the card over. After declaring an attack, confused Pokémon must flip a coin. If you get ahead, the attack will proceed as usual. If you get a tail, the attack is negated, and the attacking Pokémon instead gets 30 damage! This state will last until your Pokémon is withdrawn, falls asleep, or is paralyzed. When a Pokémon is paralyzed, use a token or turn the card to the right to signify it. On their next turn, a paralyzed Pokémon cannot attack or escape. After your turn, this condition is deleted.
  • Use a token to signify when a Pokémon gets poisoned. When a Pokémon gets poisoned, it receives ten damage per round. This state will last till your Pokémon leaves.


We have seen Tips and tricks to win Pokémon TGC in this article. Also, we have seen the basic and essential rules of the game to play it well.

If you have any doubts regarding this, mention us in the comment section below.