Top 10 Health Benefits Of Green Tea

Top 10 Health Benefits Of Green Tea

Green tea is considered to be one of the healthiest beverages available. It has antioxidant, anti-cancer, antibacterial, and cholesterol-lowering properties. Thousands of studies have indicated the benefits of green tea, including weight loss, heart health, improved memory, and better physical performance. 

Before we dive into the health benefits of green tea, let’s talk about its preparation, green tea supplements, and how much you should drink to enjoy the benefits. 

First of all, did you know that green tea preparation could affect its health profile? A recent study suggests that soaking green tea for prolonged periods in cold water yielded the highest antioxidant capacity. California Tea House is the right place to buy tea. We provide the best quality tea and coffee and have a vast collection of tea and coffee. Use the best California Tea House Coupon Code to save money and get 30% off.

You may be wondering if all of the green tea can be achieved with supplements containing green tea extracts. Yes, they can! Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), green tea’s most potent polyphenol, protects you against cancer, inflammation, and other ailments. Additionally, it increases thermogenesis and also increases the effectiveness of other weight loss supplements such as 5-HTP, tyrosine, and caffeine.

Top 10 Health Benefits Of Green Tea

10 Reasons to Drink Green Tea

Now let’s take a detailed look at the health benefits of green tea! 

  1. Boost antioxidant protection: The polyphenols, EGCG, in green tea are very powerful antioxidants that protect against cancer, heart disease, and other illnesses related to free radical damage and aging. Furthermore, these antioxidants can lower the formation of free radicals in the body. These free radicals play a major role in aging and many types of diseases.
  2. Enhance weight loss: As discussed earlier, EGCG, a potent polyphenol present in green tea, has been shown to increase thermogenesis or fat burning. If you check the ingredients for any fat burning supplement, the list often shows green tea. According to research, green tea help increases fat burning and boost metabolic rate. 
  3. Reduce blood sugar levels: A recent study indicates that green tea may reduce the blood sugar spikes that occur after consuming starchy foods. Researchers found that when mice were given EGCG along with cornstarch, blood sugar levels were about 50% lower than those who didn’t receive EGCG. Consumption of green tea is also linked with a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
  4. Relieve stress: Green tea contains L-theanine, an amino acid. This amino acid is best known for its relaxing and calming properties. L-theanine increases alpha waves in the brain and boosts your body’s natural levels of GABA, a neurotransmitter that helps regulate your brain’s response to stress.
  5. Lift your mood: A recent study shows that older individuals who consume two or more cups of tea per day are less prone to depression. This is because green tea helps relieve stress and improves your mood. 
  6. Keep your memory sharp: Drinking green tea helps reduce the risk of age-related mental decline. Not only can green tea boost brain function, but it may also help protect your brain as you get older. The bioactive compounds present in green tea have various positive effects on the brain. They may reduce the risk of dementia, a neurodegenerative disorder in older adults.
  7. Protect your bones: Green tea is a good source of vitamin K. Consuming green tea can help improve bone mineralization. 
  8. Treats arthritis: In addition to the weight loss and blood sugar benefits, EGCG has been shown to reduce inflammation and cartilage breakdown and promote healing of the joints. This makes green tea an effective alternative for preventing and treating arthritis.
  9. Support the immune system: A study shows that green tea can hinder the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) from binding to healthy immune system cells. Japanese researchers found out that three to five cups of green tea per day reduced flu by 46%.
  10. Prevents bacterial infection: Studies have found that green tea extracts can help prevent the growth of bacteria that cause diarrhoea. Green tea also has benefits for oral health. It has been proven to inhibit the growth of bacteria associated with dental cavities.

Two Delicious Green Tea Recipes To Try 

Now you know about the amazing health benefits of green tea. Here are two delicious green tea recipes for you to enjoy.

Apple Green Tea

  • Two tablespoons of loose green tea or two tea bags
  • One small apple
  • Lemon juice
  • Two cups of apple juice

Boil the water and pour half of the loose green tea or tea bags. Let it boil for 2 minutes. Then pour the other half and wait for three more minutes. Wash the apple, core it, and cut it into thin slices. Apply a little amount of lemon and apple juice immediately to prevent the slices from going brown. Put apple slices into two glasses and then pour in the green tea.

Peachy Green Tea

  • Six green tea bags
  • Six cups cold water
  • Two peaches: pitted and sliced

Place green tea bags in a teapot or pitcher. Put sliced peaches in a saucepan, pour water, and bring to a boil. Then add water and peaches over the tea bags. Soak for 6 minutes, then add a sweetener such as honey. Allow green tea to cool, then refrigerate until chilled.