What Braces Colour Makes Your Teeth Look Whiter?

Have you been told that the colour of your braces color wheel will change the colour of your teeth? This isn’t actually true – the color of your braces doesn’t really matter when it comes to whitening your teeth. What matters most is how much light reflects off your teeth when they are in front of various shades of metal. For example, if you have silver braces and light hits them just right, they will almost look white while darker shades can make them look grey or yellowish-brown.


Braces Color – Blue

Ever wonder what colors of braces make your teeth look whiter, and which colors can give you a more yellowed appearance in contrast to your natural teeth color? While teeth whitening is only temporary, there are certain colors that can help minimize discoloration. It is important to keep in mind that different shades will affect people differently, so if you’re not sure about a certain shade, it might be a good idea to consult with your dentist before selecting braces. Here’s what braces color will work best for you Most popular tooth-whitening colors:

The most popular tooth-whitening braces colors include: Black or clear black power chain braces — The darker a shade, such as black or clear braces, the less likely they are to enhance your smile; however, they can be useful if you want an inconspicuous set of braces. White or light-colored braces — If you want your smile to stand out without being too obvious, white or light-colored braces will do just that. They have become very popular in recent years and can be seen on many celebrities including Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber. Yellow-colored braces — Yellow-colored braces aren’t necessarily white but are often thought of as such because they provide a noticeable contrast against most other colored teeth.


Braces Color – Clear

If you want your teeth to look absolutely white, then clear braces are a great option for you. They won’t add any color or opaqueness to your teeth, so you can still show off that healthy smile! Plus, these are known for being nearly invisible and barely noticeable. If you’re looking for tooth-whitening benefits without sacrificing aesthetics, clear braces might be a good fit.


Braces Color – White

While some people might think that braces simply straighten teeth, there are actually a number of different factors to consider when you choose which color will make your teeth look whiter. First and foremost, remember that a perfect smile doesn’t just mean perfectly straight teeth; it also means an even color across all your teeth. By carefully matching your braces color to your natural tooth tone (and keeping in mind other considerations like porcelain veneers), you can help create balance and beauty in an otherwise metal-filled mouth. To get started, take stock of all of your other assets—your hair color is just as important as the color of braces and fillings.


Other Influences on Teeth Whiteness

Besides braces color, there are other factors that can influence teeth whiteness. One of these is a person’s natural tooth shade (just like skin and hair tone). For example, if you have darker eyes, or darker hair, chances are your teeth won’t be as white as someone with lighter colored eyes and hair. It makes sense, right? Another factor to consider is oral hygiene routine and lifestyle habits.